Event Program:
16.15 – 16.45 Life as a PhD student – Application, Financing, Thesis Defense and everything in between.
– Per Lundberg, Study Director PhD Studies, Department of Biology
16.50 – 17.50 A PhD Students’ Experience
– Ashmita Tontanahal, MSc in Molecular Biology (medical) from Lund University PhD student in Paediatrics at the Medical Faculty.
– Ainara Leizeaga, MSc in biology from Barcelona, PhD student Biodiversity and Ecosystem services.
– Viktoria Bågenholm , MSc in Protein Science, Lund University, PhD in Biochemistry, 2018.
– Andrew Lifson, current chair of NDR, Lund’s Doctoral Student Union, MSc in high energy physics ETH Zurich and Ecole Polytechnique Paris, PhD student in Theoretical Physics.