
Academia is not the only possible future for science students. Meet Caspar Håkansson and Johan K. Jensen, the two biology students behind Naturlaboratoriet. Naturlaboratoriet is a small company selling restored, historical and biology-themed posters. Their materials are climate-compensated and locally produced in Lund. You can read more about their work on their website. The founders […]

Elective parliament 2017

The Nomination Committee of LUNA is proud to announce their suggestions for the operational year of 2017/18. Below you find the minutes with the nominations to parliament as suggested by the Nomination Committee after thorough interviewing and discussion. If you wish to counter-candidate any nomination (including vacancies) you can do so in written form up until […]

ASO April 1st

It is time for the Absurd Student council Olympics. It is an old tradition of union being revived by the Party Committee and the student councils of LUNA for the first time in a long while. Be ready for everything! On Saturday April 1st the first ASO session takes place. From 12 o’clock the team will gather in Stadsparken and […]

Are you okay? 2017

A survey of student psychosocial health The Environment, health, and safety committee (HMS) is carrying out a survey of student health at the Faculty of Science. Psychosocial health has become an increasingly noted matter and is included in not only the scope of the student organisations of Lund but also the university centrally. Make sure […]

Ticket release

Tandemstafetten 2017 It is time! Once again the students of Lund adventure north and back again by bus and bike for two. This time LUNA teams up with another union, the social sciences one. Make sure to reserve a seat for this epic journey by buying yourself a ticket on Friday. Keep updated by attending […]

International Women’s Day

Today is March 8th and the annual International Women’s Day. Gender equality and equal opportunities (sv: jämställdhet och lika villkor) is an always current topic, especially at the Faculty of Science. Not only because we happen to be one of the singlegendered* (sv: enkönade) faculties at the university but also because gender issues in science […]

Post descriptions

Below you find a list of the posts up for election. Nominate someone or candidate yourself at the election page.

Scholarships from the Academic Society

The Academic Society (Akademiska föreningen, AF) is announcing their scholarships of 2017, both for general studies and studies abroad. Find all information on their webpage. The first deadline is March 13th already.

Election 2017

The nomination to union posts for 2017/18 opens today.  Nominate someone or candidate yourself at the election page before March 16th.