Parliament meeting 7 – 22nd of September

The 7th parliament meeting 2020 will take place on Tuesday the 22nd of September. You can find all the documents for the meeting if you follow the link bellow. If you want to counter candidate for any position to the meeting, send an email with your counter candidature to before Sunday the 20th at […]

Board meeting 2 – 16th of September

Yesterday, the board convened for their second board meeting of the year. During the meeting, eight working groups that will work with different parts of the operational plan were formed. The board did also approve upon the concretization of the operational plan, as well as upon the per capsulam decisions which were taken during the […]

Board meeting 1 – 1st of September

Last week, the board had its first meeting of this operational year. During the meeting, the operational plan of this operational year was concretizised and the updated crisis management plan was approved. Furthermore, Elin Sandvik was elected as employer liable and there was discussions about how to fill the two vacancies in the board. If […]

Closed sign-up for introduction activities

We are sad to announce that we have to close the sign up for the introduction activities. The current regulations due to Covid-19 from both the government and the university makes it impossible for us to include all new science students in our activities. This is of course nothing that we would like to do, […]

Novisch period sign-up

We are happy to announce that a lot of people have signed up to our introduction activities. However, we will have to pause the sign-up, in order to make sure that we can follow all Covid-19 regulations. We will hopefully release some more spots to the activities on Friday the 14th of August at 12:00.

Welcome to Lund

Hi! Have you been accepted to an education at the Faculty of Science for the fall of 2020? Then this is the right place for you. It is the page for the Science Student Union (sv: Lunds naturvetarkår), LUNA. The Science Student Union works for all science students, making sure that you as a student […]

Board Meeting #19 2019/20

The union board 2019/20 had their last board meeting this Monday!The Chairperson of the Education Committee visited to present a report on the survey on if the science students want a break during the year. The president presented a report on a survey on the science students’ thoughts on a broad education. Both reports will be implemented in […]

Board Meeting #13 2019/20

During this meeting, the board discussed the permit of the jubilee ball and colour run for Studentlund’s 10th jubilee, as well as the budget proposal for it. The permits will be discussed further at a later meeting. The board also discussed some potential changes to full-timers of the union. We will possibly extend the Head […]

Board Meeting #12 2019/20

The board gathered once more for its 12th board meeting, this time with some extra guests! The Nomination Committee informed the board about their plans for the upcoming election season. The application period opens on the 17th of February. More information coming soon!  The Health, Environment and Safety Committee held a discussion in preparation for […]

Board Meeting #11 2019/20

During this meeting, the board discussed an agreement with TLTH and LDK regarding student representatives in shared department boards. The board also approved an application for the project fund and briefly discussed how LUNA will participate in the Spring Welcome Expo (Hälsningsgillet). There was also discussion on how the union should position itself regarding saved […]