LUNA Awards 2017
The winners of the awards handed out annually by LUNA have been decided upon. Today June 4th, at the faculty graduation ceremony, the prizes are handed out. Congratulations Melvyn B. Davies and Christina Ledje! Below you find the motivation texts that was sent along the nominations by students from the faculty, for the two. Nomination text for […]
Parliament meeting May 31st
The future is here! Well sort of, tonight the union parliament decided upon a final version of the operational plan and budget for 2017/18. View the documents by clicking on the highlighted links in this text. Great thanks to our parliament members. [smartslider3 slider=5]
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ It is soon time for a long summer break, and for some of you maybe summer jobs are waiting. We managed to get an interview with Elin Backström, a member of the Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) of LUNA. Here follows a brief text about what they do and […]
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ Time again and this time we give the spotlight to Hanna Thosteman (again). If you have been paying attention, she was also the chairperson of the Gender and Equality Committee (JoL). Now she has another role to report on, namely being the chairperson of the Mentor Committee (FU). Let […]
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ Another week and that calls for another student interview. We asked an old member of the Information Committee, Julia Höglund, about how it is like to be a part of a spex in Lund. If you are interested in joining a spex, or just curious to what it is […]
Tandemstafetten 2017
Our dear giraffes made it back home! After an adventurous trip to Gothenburg and back again LUNA and its teammates of Samhällsvetarkåren are safely back in Lund. Find pictures from the trip on Facebook. Tandemstafetten 2017 is over and the next one takes place in 2019. Next year the Lundakarnevalen will take its place.
Student influence on a national level? This weekend the union president and two student representatives are attending the annual conference FUM by Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer (SFS). SFSFUM is held in the ‘student city of the year’ (sv: årets studentstad), 2017 Linköping is the place to be. Student unions from universities all over Sweden gather to discuss […]
Office hours vt17
The remainder of the term includes a few holidays and other reasons to be off. Check out the information below to be sure when you can find the presidium or members of the board at the union office. You can always contact LUNA outside of office hours and book a meeting. Office hours are Monday, […]
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ Hello! It is the Information Committee here again, this time with a fresh interview with Miljövetarnas Ypperliga Studieråd (MYS), the student council for environmental scientists. They had two members interview two other members of MYS in a cheerful fashion. Let’s see what they had to say! Why should […]
Nominate to LUNA’s prizes
You may now nominate for the pedagogical or honorary prize of LUNA. Nominate via this form. The prizes are annually awarded an employee of the Faculty of Science who has put extraordinary effort into making the university a better place for its students. The pedagogical prize The pedagogical prize is awarded an outstanding teacher. Such a teacher […]