Board Meeting 15
In yesterday’s board meeting, the board started by approving two applications to the union funds. First, it was decided to buy three more traditional student hats using the Office Inventory Fund that can be used by marshals during Utopia, the graduation ceremonies and more. Secondly, the board approved SNG:s application to the Special Initative Fund […]
Nominations for the elections 2022
The Nomination Committee has now published their nominations for the upcoming elections. Now the period to send in counter candidatures is open, which is done by sending an email with information about what position you are candidating for and a motivation, to Send in counter candidatures on the 11th of April at the latest. […]
Board Meeting 14
Yesterday, the board convened for its 14th meeting. The first matter regarded the work with the future masters programs in computational science and applied computational science. The board reviewed a report from the student representative in the internal working group at the Faculty, and discussed how we think the work is going. Then, the board […]
Parliament Meeting 3
The 3rd Parliament (RK) meeting took place on the 23rd of March. The matters on the agenda were few but important. First, the members of RK were presented a draft of the budget for the next operational year, 2022/23. RK asked some questions and had some feedback, but were generally satisfied with the draft. Next, […]
Board Meeting 13
On the 14th of March, or π day, the board of 2021/22 held its 13th meeting. After some lengthy reports, the first matter on the agenda was the budget for the next operational year. The economy working group had prepared some suggested changes which the board discussed, leading to a draft that will be presented […]
Board Meeting 12
Here comes a late report from the 12th board meeting that took place on the 2nd of March. After reports from the full-timers and working groups, the board discussed the Science Village consultation document that LUNA will write an answer to. It was decided that a temporary working group will be created to write a […]
Parliament Meeting 2
Yesterday on the 23rd of February, the union parliament (RK) had its second meeting of the year. The meeting back in its physical form at the Astronomy building with lots of fika. Firstly, the union presidium reported to RK about their work. The next matter was the by-elections, where Gertrud Wrange was elected as the […]
Board Meeting 11
On the 16th of February, the board convened for its 11th meeting. It had been some time since the last board meeting, due to the meeting on the 31st of January being cancelled. It was also the first board meeting in months held in person at Geocentrum, which was appreciated by the board members. The […]
Changes to the union corona restrictions
As the Swedish government is pulling back on restrictions the 9th we can not justify keeping our restrictions until the 18th. From the 9th the office will be back to it’s usual opening hours (mon, wed, fri, 11:00-14:00) and meetings will no longer be recommended to be held distanced.
The union’s corona restrictions
The board has by a per capsulam decision decided to extend the previously established corona restrictions and recommendations until the 18th of February. This means that the fulltimers will primarily work from home and the office will remain closed. The board will hold its meetings digitally, and other union bodies are recommended to do the […]