Parliament Meeting 10
Yesterday on the 25th of November, the Parliament (RK) convened for its tenth meeting of the year. For the first time in a long while, the meeting was held in the conference room “Universum” at the Astronomy building. After a lot of reports and notifications, the first matter was by-elections, prepared by the once again […]
Board meeting 6
The 6th board meeting took place on the 16th of November. The board approved of the documents for RK 10 and decided on suggested meeting dates for RK in the spring semester. The board then discussed and made a suggestion to RK on the replenishment of the LUNA funds, the Special Initiative Fund and the […]
Answer our survey about the transition back to campus!
A working group within the board is focusing on various aspects of the study environment this year. They have created an anonymous survey about students experience of distance education and the transition back to campus. There are questions about both the quality of education and about the effect on the students’ wellbeing. LUNA would be […]
Board Meeting 5
The fifth board meeting of the year took place on the 1st of November. In this meeting, the union made a new friend in Pelle, one of the student chaplains who came to the meeting to talk about the support they can offer the union’s members. Pelle will act as a contact person to LUNA […]
Parliament meeting 9
The ninth Parliament meeting was held immediately after the previous elective parliament on October 28th. It was a short meeting where the Parliament elected two ballmasters to arrange the 2022 edition of Utopia, Honia Rasul and Sanela Lulic! The Parliament then approved of a board decision and some updates to regulatory documents, including establishing a […]
Elective parliament meeting 8
On the 28th of October, an elective parliament was held to elect the Mentor Committee (FU) for their next term of office. The novisch activities of 2022 will be organized by the re-elected chairperson Caisa Kjellström together with committee members Vendela Gustafsson, Samuel Hjelm, Stina Magndal, Sofia Bjarheim and Daniel Olla. The Parliament put the […]
Board meeting 4
The fourth board meeting of the year took place on 18th of October. The president was unfortunately feeling sick but joined the meeting via link. The vice president acted as chairperson of the meeting in her stead. The board spent some extra time on the reports and notifications from the internal working groups that have […]
Parliament meeting 7
The 7th Parliament meeting on October 7th was the first physical meeting of the year and the first of the autumn semester. In the first part of the meeting, the parliament approved of some board decisions and held by-elections. The parliament decided to elect Samuel Hjelm as a Nomination Committee member, Alex Kuzmin as a […]
Board meeting 3
The third board meeting of the year took place on the 4th of October. In this relatively short board meeting, the board approved of the presidium decision to finally open up the union office and start having regular office hours. The board also discussed the possible establishment of a LUNA Youtube channel. A discussion was […]
Elections at the Parliament Meeting
In the first Parliament meeting of the semester, on Thursday the 7th of October at 17:15, there will be elections to fill any vacant positions in the union. The meeting will take place in Rodinia, Geocentrum II at Sölvegatan 12. Because there is no functioning nomination committee, there will be no ordinary nomination process with […]