Parliament meeting May 31st
The future is here! Well sort of, tonight the union parliament decided upon a final version of the operational plan and budget for 2017/18. View the documents by clicking on the highlighted links in this text. Great thanks to our parliament members. [smartslider3 slider=5]
Election Results 2017
This post has been updated continuously between April 18th and 20th.
Elective parliament 2017
The Nomination Committee of LUNA is proud to announce their suggestions for the operational year of 2017/18. Below you find the minutes with the nominations to parliament as suggested by the Nomination Committee after thorough interviewing and discussion. If you wish to counter-candidate any nomination (including vacancies) you can do so in written form up until […]
Post descriptions
Below you find a list of the posts up for election. Nominate someone or candidate yourself at the election page.
Election 2017
The nomination to union posts for 2017/18 opens today. Nominate someone or candidate yourself at the election page before March 16th.
Parliament meeting 1
A new year, a new parliament! The first meeting takes place next week already next week. Keep updated with the relevant documents and feel free to attend. If you wish to be co-opted (sv: adjungerad) for the meeting, e-mail
Parliament meeting 9
It is time. The last parliament meeting of the year will take place next Wednesday. Interesting matters are on the agenda, among others the revision of the union statutes. Check out the documents at LUNA Archive. Wish to attend without being a member of parliament? Make sure you are a member of LUNA and e-mail about […]
Parliament meeting 8
On Wednesday the union parliament (RK) has a meeting. Stay updated with internal union politics by reading the attached documents.
Documents to the elective parliament meeting (2016-04-27)
Dear members of the science student union, Here you find the documents to the elective parliament meeting (val-RK) (2016-04-27). If you have any questions send them to the president Julia Weber on [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Agenda_RK4.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”] [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Att_1_Minutes RK3.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”] [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Att_2a_Nominations_nomination_committee.pdf” icon=”” newwindow=”yes” style=”normal”] [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Att_2b_Nominations_mentor_committee.pdf” […]