Welcome to the home page of the LUNA Novisch Period Quests! Here you find the Quest List, Active Turfs, Current Standings, Updates from the Pointmasters, and rules on how to compete in the LUNA Novisch Period. The competition is between the four teams: BUG, GLuFS, LEMUR, and SNYS.

The most important rule is not to break the law!

Send your submissions to pointmaster@luna.lu.se. For quests, write the subject as “[team name], [experiment number]: [experiment description].” You can find the rest of the rules and submission information here: Quest Rules.

Current Standings

The current, i.e., most recently updated, standings are displayed here. However, sometimes the page will have trouble updating due to your cache, so if you think it still needs to be updated, try clearing your cache or opening the page in incognito mode.


Mentor Team: 69 Points
FUF: 72 Points

Pointmaster Updates!

29/08 – Thank you for today lovely noviches, you all did great! We hope you had fun during soap games and that you didn’t get sunburnt. The points earned today is 100p for the winners SNYS, 75p for the runner ups LEMUR, third place taken by BUG will receive 50p and lastly GLuFS with 25p. Aswell as an extra 50p for GLuFS for finding our beloved Stjärnis Stjärnis. Hope to see you tomorrow during the Trocamil!

01/09 – Hello dear space cadets! Hope you all had an incredible time during ANO today! Everyone did amazing exploring this strange planet we landed on! The winner of todays game was BUG, recieving 100 points! Second place was won by SNYS, awarding them 75 points. In third place we have LEMUR, gaining 50 points. And last, but not least, we have GLuFS on fourth place, recieving 25 points. The team that found our beloved Stjärnis Stjärnis was GLuFS, awarding them an aditional 50 points! Looking forward to seeing you tomorow at the Mentor Co-op!

07/09 – Thank you for joining us today at CTF! We had an amazing time and hope you had aswell! The winner of today’s event is GLuFS, congratulations. Second place went to SNYS. Third place is BUG and last we have LEMUR. Stjärnis was found by the lovely SNYS team, thank you so much. Great job everyone! We hope to see you tonight at the TDC. Otherwise tomorrow at the Luna fair! Don’t forget to bring your mascot and flag!

08/09 – Good job everyone today at the LUNA fair! Hope you had fun and learnt a thing or two about the wonderful committees of LUNA! Todays winner was LEMUR! Second place was SNYS, third GLuFS, and fourth place went to BUG! You all did amazing! Get some rest now, after this eventful weekend, and we will see you tomorrow at the Novisch Pong!!

10/09 – You guys did amazing today during the scavanger hunt! Hope you enjoyed it! Congratulations to SNYS for winning first place!! Second place went to BUG, third to GLuFS and LEMUR got fourth place. Incredibly done by everyone! We are looking forward to seeing all the quests you guys send in tomorrow on the LAST day to quest!! Since we like to keep the suspense, we will not update the points again until they are revealed during saturdays cermony! Keep up the great work, and never give up!

Quest List

Active Turfs

These are the Turfs! To claim a turf, take a picture (same location and angle) with a minimum of 4 team members + mascot + flag! The turfs are worth 15p each and can only be claimed ONCE by one team. Good luck!

Please add the email title: TURFS!

Taken Turfs

Here is where we post the pictures of the claimed turfs!