Board Meeting 17 – 2021-04-28

Yesterday, the board convened for another board meeting. During this meeting, the board appointed this year’s winners of the unions honorary and pedagogical prizes, as well as a student speaker to the faculty’s graduation ceremony. The board approved two applications to the union project fund, and decided to order more lab coats. Furthermore, the board […]

Parliament Meeting 4 – 2021-04-27

This Tuesday, the parliament convened for another meeting. During the meeting, the parliament appointed Per-Olof (PO) Zetterberg as honorary member of LUNA! The parliament did also decide upon updates in the Directive for the Sports Committee, and discussed changes in the Directive for the Environmental Committee, the Guideline for Graphical Profile, the Policy for Economy […]

Parliament meeting 3b – 2021-04-20

Today, the parliament gathered for another elective meeting. During the meeting, the following persons were elected: Nomination committee member – Ida Bonnevier Wallstedt Operational auditors – Ida Lunga and Einar Elén Union Inspector – Sophie Manner Quartermaster – Viktor Hrannar Jónsson Backend Administrator – Einar Elén Archive administrator – Viktor Hrannar Jónsson Active Member Registry […]

Board meeting 16 – 2021-04-15

The board had its sixteenth meeting yesterday. During the meeting, the board prepared several documents for the upcoming parliament meetings. There were discussions regarding the Policy for Environmental Work, the Directive for the Sports Committee, the union Regulations and the Policy for Economy and Agreements. Furthermore, the board decided upon an agreement between LUNA and […]

Elective parliament meeting 3a – 2021-04-13

Yesterday, the parliament convened for its first elective parliament meeting this spring. The parliament decided to elect Tindra Weichselbraun Alvander as president and Tom Brilioth as vice president of the union during the operational year of 2021/22. The parliament did also elect Tanvir Sayed as union board member for the upcoming operational year. Furthermore, the […]

Nominations for Elective Parliament #3 2021-04-13 and 2021-04-20

The Nomination Committee hereby announce the nominations for Elective Parliament meeting #3.We are happy to announce the nominations for positions within Lunds naturvetarkår to be elected on the third parliament meeting on the 13th and 20th of April. These positions are for the operational year of 2021/22. Union Presidium (2+0) Tindra Weichselbraun Alvander Tom Brilioth […]

Board meeting 15, 2021-03-22

Yesterday, the board convened for another board meeting. At the meeting, the board started to discuss the operational plan and budget for the upcoming operational year. There was also discussions regarding covid-19, the active members appreciation sitting, course representative, how to anchor the LUS elections and an upcoming cook-along. Furthermore, the board decided to approve […]

UTOPIA Ticket Release – April 5th

The tickets for LUNA’s annual ball UTOPIA will be released for LUNA members on April 5th, and the general release will happen on April 12th.