Board Meeting 6 2019/20

This Tuesday, the union board had its sixth meeting of the operational year. The board approved of an application for the project fund, approved of extending the union google drive storage, approved of the Sports Committee creating an Instagram account, and lastly discussed how the board should approach the currently ongoing Science Village discussions in […]

Vacancies for Parliament #8 2019-11-18

The Nomination committee hereby announce the vacant positions of Lunds naturvetarkår.We are now accepting applications for Tandem General and Representative for SFS Parliament as well as all vacant positions to be elected on the eighth parliament meeting on Monday the 18th of November. Application closes Monday the 4th of November. Some of the vacancies are: […]

Nominations for Parliament #7 2019-10-22

The Nomination Committee hereby announce the nominations for Parliament #7.We are happy to announce the nominations for positions within Lunds naturvetarkår to be elected on the seventh parliament meeting on the 22nd of October. Ordinary Elections: Mentor Committee (FU) Chairperson (1,0) The position of Mentor Committee (FU) Chairperson is recommended to be vacant and opened […]

Vacancies for Parliament #7 2019-10-22

The Nomination committee hereby announce the vacant positions of Lunds naturvetarkår.We are now accepting applications for the Mentor Committee as well as all vacant positions to be elected on the seventh parliament meeting on Tuesday the 22nd of October. Application closes Tuesday the 8th of October. Some of the vacancies are: Mentor Committee (FU) Chairperson […]

Nominations for Parliament #6 2019-09-24

The Nomination Committee hereby announce the nominations for Parliament #6.We are happy to announce the nominations for positions within Lunds naturvetarkår to be elected on the sixth parliament meeting on the 24th of September. Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) Member Wouter Duverger Party Committee (6m) Member Joseph Alexander Binns Sports Committee (Sport) Member Guarav Senthil Kumar […]

Rock your amazing LUNA lab-coat responsibly!

An incredible amount of students bought their lab-coats so far this semester and we are amazed as well as humbled by it! We feel like it is important to for us to remind everyone that there is a user manual for rocking your amazing lab-coat. Learn this user manual by heart to make your experience […]

Vacancies for Parliament #6 2019-09-17

The Nomination Committee hereby announce the vacant positions of Lunds naturvetarkår.We are now accepting applications for all vacant positions to be elected on the sixth parliament meeting on the 24th of September 2019. Application closes on the 10th of September 2019. Vacancies include but are not limited to: – Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) member (5,0)The […]

Welcome to Lund!

Hello! Have you been accepted to an education at the Faculty of Science for the fall of 2019? Then you have come to the right place. This is the page for the Science Student Union (sv: Lunds naturvetarkår), LUNA. The Science Student Union works to ensure that you as a student have a great time […]

Website maintenance

The website is currently undergoing some maintenance, and as a result some pages cannot be accessed. We are working on making the website run smoothly as soon as possible, and are thankful for your patience! Feel free to contact us at or visit us at the union office if you have any questions. 

Board Meeting 20 2018/19

The board of the operational year 2018/19 had its last meeting this Saturday. Since it was the last meeting, the board celebrated with some brunch and tried (and failed) to take a good selfie of the entire board to post in the union information channels.  Apart for having a good time, the board also approved […]