Nominate to LUNA’s prizes
You may now nominate for the pedagogical or honorary prize of LUNA. Nominate via this form. The prizes are annually awarded an employee of the Faculty of Science who has put extraordinary effort into making the university a better place for its students. The pedagogical prize The pedagogical prize is awarded an outstanding teacher. Such a teacher […]
Posts up for nomination
Three new positions are up for nomination. Candidate by e-mailing the Nomination Committee at or candidate at the parliament meeting 2017-05-10 if the meeting decides to open up for free nomination. Below you also find the vacant posts remaining from the elective parliament meetings.
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ It is time to reveal one of the bigger interviews we made during 2016; with the mentor generals of LUNA. Full transcript of the 20 minute long interview is available in Swedish here. The Mentor Committee (FU) is one of the committees of Science Student Union. They are responsible […]
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ It is time for another interview. This time with the chairperson of the Environment, Health and Safety Committee moreover the Chief Safety Officer (HSSO) of LUNA, Leo Östman. “The HMS (Environment, Health and Safety) committee exists to coordinate student representatives in matters regarding the work environment throughout the […]
ASO April 22nd
It is time for the second part of the Absurd Student council Olympics. It is an old tradition of union being revived by the Party Committee and the student councils of LUNA for the first time in a long while. On Saturday April 22nd the second ASO session takes place. From 13 o’clock the teams will gather in Stadsparken and then compete […]
Election Results 2017
This post has been updated continuously between April 18th and 20th.
~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~ It is time again for another student interview, this time with the chairperson of the Party Committee, Filip Nygren. He will guide you through the responsibilities of the committee, as well as giving some insight into who he is. Sounds great, right? “Party Committee Chairperson Filip Nygren Party Committee! […]
Academia is not the only possible future for science students. Meet Caspar Håkansson and Johan K. Jensen, the two biology students behind Naturlaboratoriet. Naturlaboratoriet is a small company selling restored, historical and biology-themed posters. Their materials are climate-compensated and locally produced in Lund. You can read more about their work on their website. The founders […]
Elective parliament 2017
The Nomination Committee of LUNA is proud to announce their suggestions for the operational year of 2017/18. Below you find the minutes with the nominations to parliament as suggested by the Nomination Committee after thorough interviewing and discussion. If you wish to counter-candidate any nomination (including vacancies) you can do so in written form up until […]
~ Interviews with the students of LUNA ~ The Information Committee has done quite some work this year. It is finally time to post the interviews with the wonderful members of the union that have been carried out during the year. Every week we will post an interview with a member of LUNA that will […]