Summer courses abroad
Interested in studying abroad this summer? Apply between January 25th and February 8th in Swedish or English. If you have any questions, contact
U T O P I A Schedule
Saturday 16.30 Order chapel in Nya Festvåningen, arrival from 16.00 17.30 Pre-drink served 18.30 Dinner served in Lilla Salen, doors open at 18.15 22.45 Dance commences 00.00 Follow-up party starts 01.00 Sexa Sunday 12.00 Brunch at Sydskånska nationen Check out the Facebook event for more information or e-mail
Summer internship
Interested in a research-oriented summer job? MAX IV contacted LUNA about these programs at different research facilities in central Europe you can apply for. CERN Geneva, Switzerland HZB Berlin, Germany DESY Hamburg, Germany GSI Darmstadt, Germany Go check it out!
Happy New Year
It has been a great autumn at the Science Student Union. All from the novisch period starting off the term, to the career fair ATLAS in December. If you are interested in finding out more about the work of the union you can alway check out the archive. The end of this year also means saying […]
Merry Christmas
The union board wishes you all a merry Christmas. Read more about what has happened during the autumn term by accessing the archive.
Upcoming office hours
Monday December 19th was the last open office hours of 2016. The presidium works another week before going on holidays and are reachable vi e-mail until the office opens again in January. Answers may be a bit sporadical between December 24th and January 1st when the presidium has their leave of absence. President Ida Lunga […]
Christmas Zenit
The term is coming to an end. Make sure you know what is happening up until then. Check out the brand new issue of Zenit below. You can participate in the competition described by simply following this link.
Parliament meeting 9
It is time. The last parliament meeting of the year will take place next Wednesday. Interesting matters are on the agenda, among others the revision of the union statutes. Check out the documents at LUNA Archive. Wish to attend without being a member of parliament? Make sure you are a member of LUNA and e-mail about […]
Do you take the bus?
Or train? December 11th Skånetrafiken‘s new time table starts, both busses and trains will get new schedules. With the new timetable, some bus lines within or around Lund will change to adjust for the upcoming tram. Make sure you know your way around.
Upcoming ATLAS
This Thursday, December 1st, LUNA will host its annual career fair ATLAS. Stay updated on the ATLAS webpage or the ATLAS Fb event. Have any questions? E-mail the Head of Corporate Relations Freja Grönborg at