Quality Assurance Seminar

November 24th LUNA hosted a seminar about quality assurance and how to achieve such through proper student representation. Great turnout and many rewarding discussions. Interested in learning more? You can access the presentations and discussion notes here including useful links to UKÄ.  


You have not missed that you find the union on Instagram have you? Interested in how the flow of information works within the union and externally? The Information Committee does more than just Zenit. If you have any questions or want to get involved you can reach the committee at info@luna.lu.se.  

Parliament meeting 8

On Wednesday the union parliament (RK) has a meeting. Stay updated with internal union politics by reading the attached documents.  

Save the date

The LUNA ball will take place on January 21st. Note it down in your calendars make sure to rehearse your best waltz moves.

Study abroad

Interested in studying abroad? At the Faculty of Science you are able to study parts of you education at another university, in another part of the world. The deadline for applying is November 1st. Information about exchange studies and the application can be found here and here. If interested in the University of California, take a look here. If […]

Camping for study places

Lund University has a lot of students, that is something we are all aware of. But do we all fit in, physically? The student unions of Lund University under the umbrella organisation LUS carried out an investigation surveying the unmber of study places available for students. The results were less than optimal. Did you know the Faculty […]

Important notice

Applying for courses vt17 This Monday, October 17th, is the very last day to apply for spring term courses 2017. It is very important that you remember to apply and go for courses within your program if you are to continue your studies. The number of free courses (sv: fristående kurser) has been reduced significantly and […]

LUNA goes prehistoric

Last Friday the LUNA party committee (sv:sexmästeri) arranged a sitting at Hallands nation. The theme was prehistoric and many  creative costumes came to show. Great thank you to all participants.

Navid Modiri – Lilla mångfaldsskolan October 3rd

The Gender equality and equal treatment committee of LUNA (JoL) has created an event together with TLTH and MF, inviting the Swedish artist and activist Navid Modiri to talk about diversity, integration and what is reasonable to say to people from other countries. This is highly recommended for anyone, not only people who are interested […]

Student opinions DO matter

Feature on student opinions by the president of LUNA. How many times have you not heard someone complain over lunch? It might be about your last exam not being handed back out on time, or that Ladok result that is still missing. Maybe there are never any vacant group rooms available or simply too few practical elements […]