Nominations for parliament meeting 1
The nomination committee hereby announces its nominations for parliament meeting 1: Operational auditor – alternate Jesper Nielsen Tandem General Sofia Bjarheim Daniel Olla If you wish to counter candidate to any vacant position in the union, you can send an email to or visit the parliament meeting on the 26th of January at 17:15 in Universum […]
Office hours – Holiday Away!
The LUNA office hours will be closed from the 16/12/22 to the 06/01/23. Mening we are back on the 09/01/23 with office hours from 11.00 to 14.00 Happy holidays! Try to get some recovery time in!
Announcement of three positions as Tandem generals 2023
The nomination committee hereby announces three positions as Tandem generals 2023. After too many years of break, the Tandem relay will finally take place again in the spring 2023! Students from all over Lund will travel by bus to Gothenburg, and race back again on Tandem bikes (in teams of course)! LUNA is now looking […]
Office hours closed today 09/12/22!
Important message !!!!
LUNA wants to forward a message from the University! Please read the following message:…/university-must-be-prepared… If you have any questions please contact the page contact person (only visible on Swedish page, but available for all) or LUNA
Parliament meeting 9
The following people were elected on parliament meeting 9. Honia Rasul, Tom Brilioth and Titus Farkas as representatives to SFS parliament 2023. Sanela Lulic as the parliament chairperson for 2023. Hanna Sjö as alternate parliament secretary for 2023. Marwan Mohamed as Union Webmaster. Tyr Häggström as an alternate in the Faculty Education Board. Ida Bonnevier Wallstedt […]
Office hours closed week. 47
Office hours will be closed on the 21/11, 23/11 and the 25/11 (all of week 47). We welcome any questions to See you next week! <3
Nominations for parliament meeting 9
The nomination committee hereby announces its nominations for parliament meeting 9: Representative in SFS parliament (SFS-FUM) Honia Rasul Tom Brilioth Faculty Education Board Alternate Representative Tyr Häggström If you wish to counter candidate to any vacant position in the union, you can send an email to or visit the parliament meeting on the 10th of November […]
Announcement of positions in the parliament presidium 2023
Have you always dreamt of leading meetings? Do you like to write minutes? Are you a fan meeting protocol and good fika? LUNA is currently looking for a meeting presidium for our parliament for the fiscal year of 2023. The meeting presidium leads and writes the minutes for the parliament meetings, which are the meetings […]