Below you will find descriptions of all positions within the union. All post descriptions are currently under review and will be updated continuously.

If you want more detailed information of various positions within the union see the regulatory documents of the union and/or contact the union at

You can find more information about the application process and a list of all available positions for the current operational year on the apply page.

Quick Selection

Union Central PositionsUnion CommitteesStudent Council PositionsFaculty Student RepresentativesExternal Positions

Union Central Positions

Presidium (2,0)

The presidium consist of the president and the vice-president, who are individually elected for the operational year. The presidium is working full-time during the whole operational year. The presidium run the daily operation of the union, which among other things includes handling the union’s economy and web page. The presidium should continuously plan and evaluate the daily operation. They are also responsible for informing the union members about the on goings within the union. Furthermore, the presidium is the union’s face towards the students, the faculty and the student life in Lund. To become that, the presidium should be an active part in welcoming new students to the Faculty of Science and foremost the president should take part in ceremonies at the university. The presidium is mostly free to share their tasks between themselves. However, some tasks are assigned to one of the positions.

The president is the chairperson of the union board and the vice president is the vice chairperson of the union board. The presidium is responsible for coordinating the work of the board, and for making sure that the board reaches the goals in the operational plan. In urgent matters, the presidium exercises the powers of the board. However, urgent decisions shall be submitted to the board for approval. The presidium answers to the board for its activities.

The presidium is to assure that the students’ voice is heard at the Faculty of Science, in order to make the situation for the students as good as possible. The main tool in this work is the election of student representatives to various preparatory and deciding bodies at the faculty and the departments. The union presidium is to assure that the conditions for the elected student representatives to perform their tasks as student representatives are as good as possible. The presidium shall give support to the student representatives and make sure that the students’ opinions are heard when student representative positions are vacant. Furthermore, the presidium is the main contact between the student population, the faculty and other student associations, such as Lund’s United Student Unions (LUS), the Academic Society (AF), Studentlund, Swedish National Union of Students (SFS) and Sweden’s Science Student Unions (SNAK). The presidium should be able to manage these instances in a professional and enthusiastic way.

The presidium is main responsible for handling student issues within the union together with the head student safety officer. The student issues can be internal conflicts within the union, as well as problems that the students face during their education. The presidium is responsible for helping the students in such cases, and for making sure that the students can contact the union in a suitable way. Furthermore, the presidium and foremost the president is responsible for managing crises which the union faces. This includes the management of the crisis, informing the students and the faculty about it and to be the union’s contact with media.

It is the responsibility of the Union Presidium:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the Science Student Union (LUNA).
to lead the union in consultation with the board.
to summon the board to meetings and establish the agenda for the board meetings.
to lead the board meetings.
to summon the parliament to meetings and establish the agenda for the parliament meetings.
to make sure that minutes for the board meetings and parliament meetings are written and archived
according to the guidelines for meeting documentation.
to correctly account for the economy of the union.
to represent the members of the union.
to be main contact for student issues together with the head student safety officer (HSSO).
to coordinate the union networks.
to be the union’s media contact (foremost the president).

to manage crisis situations that affect the union (foremost the president).
to update the Guideline for crisis management in the beginning of each operational year (foremost the

to be the main contact between the union, the faculty and relevant student organisations; LUS, Stu-
dentlund, AF, SFS and SNAK.

to after the end of the fiscal year, but before the end of September, issue an annual report and financial

An elected Union Presidium Member is expected:
to act in the best interest of the Science Student Union and its members.
to make sure that the union follows its regulatory documents.
to take part in educations in order to be better prepared for the work tasks of the presidium.
to be updated on the union regulatory documents.
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the faculty.
to represent the science students’ opinions at meetings with LUS, Studentlund, AF, SFS and SNAK.
to have read and understood all meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to be appointed as union signatories and manage the union’s bookings.

to make sure that the students’ opinions are represented in organs where student representatives are missing.

to be a support for the active members within the union.
to work actively towards the goals stated in the operational plan together with the union board.
to represent the union at ceremonial occassions when the union should be represented (foremost the
to keep the union web page up to date with summaries of the board and parliament meetings and valid
regulatory documents.
to send out welcome information to new students at the faculty of science via email, the union webpage
and union social media.
to manage the union web page together with the web master.
to manage the union social media together with the information committee.
to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Presidium Candidate, it is required:
to have insight in the work conducted by LUNA.
to have a good grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to speak and understand Swedish and English.
to have experience from being a student representative.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Qualities of Merit
As a Presidium Candidate, it is of merit:
to have experience of leadership.
to have the ability to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organisational skills.
to have good communication skills
to have experience of bookkeeping.
to have insight in the work done by the Faculty of Science.
to have insight in the work conducted by LUS, AF, Studentlund, SFS and SNAK.
to have experience of organising events.

Estimation of Time Required
The presidium works full time within the union during an operational year (1st of July-31st of June). This
means that the presidium is expected to work on average 40 hours a week. However, the presidium have 25 vacation days to use when it suits the union operation. The working hours is uneven distributed during the year, with more intensive periods around bigger events. Furthermore, working tasks are distributed both at daytime and during evenings. Before stepping on a position within the presidium, 80 hours should be spent on hand over activities.

Head of Corporate Relations (1,0)

The Head of Corporate Relations position includes the position as corporate relations committee chairperson, the position as student representative in the Faculty Career Council and a position within the Union Board, section 2.3. The position is a full time position, meaning that the head of corporate relations works full time the whole operational year.

The Head of Corporate Relations coordinates the Corporate Relations Committee in their work to both
provide the students with satisfactory connections to companies which could be future employers, and  with the tools to be successful in getting a job in the corporate sector. This is achieved through lecture series going by the name of ATLAS. The Head of Corporate Relations works closely with he Faculty Career Council in matters regarding ATLAS. As a board member, the Head of Corporate Relations is the connection between the board and the Corporate Relations Committee and should keep the board up to date on the work in the Corporate Relations Committee.

An elected Head of Corporate Relations is expected to:
to plan and execute the ATLAS initiative of the Science Student Union.
to work in close contact with the Faculty Career Council with the ATLAS project.
to inform the science students on relevant career related matters.
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the Corporate Relations Committee.
to make sure that the Corporate Relations Committee follows its directives.
to summon the Corporate Relations Committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the Corporate Relations Committee’s budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the

to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the Corporate Relations Commit-

to write a testament and an operational report for the Corporate Relations Committee at the end of the
operational year.
to attend meetings with the Faculty Career Council and represent the students’ opinions.
to be an active member of the Union Board, section 2.3

As a Head of Corporate Relations Candidate, it is required:
to be able to work full time for the union the whole operational year.
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Head of Corporate Relations Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the Corporate Relations Committee.
to have experience with leadership.
to be able to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organisational skills.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to have an interest for career related matters.
to have experience from being a student representative.
to have experience selling/pitching ideas to new people.
to be comfortable speaking in front of people.
to have previous experience with web page management, such as WordPress.

Estimation of Time Required
The Head of Corporate Relations works full time for the union during an operational year (1st of July-31st
of June). This means that the Head of Corporate relations is expected to work on average 40 hours a week. However, the Head of Corporate relations has 25 vacation days to use when it suits the union operation. The working hours is uneven distributed during the year, with more intensice periods around bigger events. Furthermore, working tasks are distributed both at daytime and during evenings. Before stepping on the position as Head of Corporate Relations, 80 hours should be spent on hand over activities.

Union Board (5,0)

The board consists of the union presidium, the head of corporate relations and five other members. The
meetings are lead by the president. The board is the highest executive body of the union. The board discusses questions of importance to the union and makes decisions in minor question which the parliament does not need to discuss. Furthermore, the board assists the presidium when additional personnel is required. The board works towards the goals in the operational plan and budget. The board is responsible in front of the parliament for their work.

Elected Union Board Members are expected to:
to attend and actively participate in board meetings.
to have read and understood all meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to take part in the work towards the goals in the operational plan.

to keep up to date on documents relevant to the board meetings and working groups.
to prepare matters to be reviewed by parliament.
to prepare matters requested by parliament or board members.
to submit propositions to the parliament.
to suggest for parliament a union operational plan and budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
to prepare and establish the agenda for parliament meetings.
to implement decisions of the parliament.
to in times, when parliament meetings can not be held, decide on matters that belong to the parliament.
Such decision shall be submitted for approval by parliament soonest possible.
to conduct a continuous review of all current regulatory documents and implement measures to adjust
regulatory documents if required.
to review and approve the agreements that the Science Student Union intends to conclude with other parties and inform the parliament about these. If the agreements are considered to be of great impor-
tance, or if there is disagreement within the board, the contracts shall be reviewed and approved by parliament.
to formulate and decide upon the employment contracts of the union full-time employees.
to appoint union signatories.
to if available and there is a need assist the union presidium in its daily operation.
to act in the best interest of the Science Student Union and its members.
to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Board Member Candidate, it is required:
to be a member of the Science Student Union.
to not be a representative in the parliament, or step down from that position before stepping on the
position in the board.
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Board Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have good insight into the work of the union.
to be willing to participate to a large degree in the work done by the union.
to have previous experience as a student representative.

Estimation of Time Required
The union board convenes at least once a month, with exception for July and August. However, the board
often convenes twice a month. Between the meetings, the board members should spend time on preparing for the meetings and on working towards the goals in the operational plan.

Nomination Committee

Chairperson (1,0)

The nomination committee chairperson leads the nomination committee in its work to interview nominees for posts elected by the elective parliament. During the elective parliament the nomination committee gives their recommendation through written nomination texts based on their interviews to the parliament.

An elected Nomination Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the nomination committee.
to make sure that the nomination committee follows its directives.
to summon the nomination committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the nomination committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the nomination committee.
to write a testament and an operational report for the committee at the end of the operational year.
to conduct interviews with candidates for various positions within the union.
to manage all aspects of the full nomination timeline.

As a Nomination Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English

Qualities of Merit
As a Nomination Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work conducted by the nomination committee.
to have experience with leadership.
to have good organisational skills.
to be good at collaboration and delegation.
to have good communication skills.
to have a good grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to be knowledgeable on what is required in a number of posts within the union.

Estimation of Time Required
The nomination committee aims to have meetings and interviews before each parliament meeting to prepare by-elections. The work is more intense before the elective parliament meetings in April. The chairperson should spend some time to prepare the meetings and interviews. The UO network has about one meeting each month. No meetings are held during the summer.

Member (5,0)

Members of the nomination committee interviews nominees to posts elected by the elective parliament. This is done in order to give the committees educated recommendation based on these interviews to the elective parliament.

An elected Nomination Committee Member is expected:
to attend meetings with the nomination committee.
to conduct interviews with candidates for the various positions within the union.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Nomination Committee Member Candidate, it is required:
to read and write English.

Qualities of Merit
As Nomination Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have experience with some positions within the union.

Estimation of Time Required

The nomination committee aims to have meetings and interviews before each parliament meeting. The work load becomes more intense before the elective parliament meetings in April, when most of the elections takes place. No meetings are held during the summer.

Inspector (1,0)

The inspector is an advisory body of the union. The inspector is to attend and support union activities and
associated matters. This is often done through supporting the presidium and the board. The inspector may also represent the union and give speeches at various events, such as the Science Student Union Ball and the introduction meeting during the novisch period.

An elected Inspector is expected:
to keep up to date with goings on of the union.
to summon the parliament to inspector parliament meetings if it is found necessary.
to greet new students when they arrive to the Faculty of Science.
to hold speeches at formal occasions.
to be available for advice to active members.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the term of office.

As an Inspector Candidate, it is required:
to be closely affiliated with science but with no direct links to the Science Student Union.
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As an Inspector Candidate, it is of merit:
to have some insight into the work of the union.

Estimation of Time Required
The inspector have the right to attend all meetings held by the union, but the inspector is free to choose
which meetings to attend. Active members of the union shall also be able to contact the inspector for advice in complicated matters.

Auditor (3,3)

The union has two kinds of auditors, two operational auditors and one financial auditor. The positions as
auditors may not be held at the same time as holding positions in the board, presidium or parliament.

Operational Auditors

The two operational auditors audit the operations and formal procedure of the union. The operational auditors may also assist in the discharge of the previous board.

Elected Operational Auditors are expected to:
to examine the union’s administration.
to examine the union’s archive.
to complete their duties and submit an audit report to parliament before the end of October the following operational year.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As an Operational Auditor Candidate, it is required:
to have previously been a part of the parliament, board or presidium of LUNA.
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As an Operational Auditor Candidate, it is of merit:
to have a long experience of the union’s work.
to have insight in the current work of the union.

Estimation of Time Required
The time required corresponds to the time it takes to keep updated of what happens within the union. This includes that the auditors can attend any number of meetings, depending on level of dedication. The auditors shall also spend time on writing the audit report after the end of the operational year. Furthermore, active members should be able to contact the auditors and ask for advice in complicated matters.

Financial Auditor

The unions financial auditor audits the financial operations of the union and functions as a financial advisor to the union presidium and board. The financial auditor do also assist in the discharge of the previous board. Once a semester, the financial auditor is expected to investigate the economy of the union.

An elected Financial Auditor is expected:
to examine the union’s accounts.
to complete its duties and submit a financial report to the parliament before the end of October after the
end of the operational year.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Financial Auditor Candidate, it is required:
to have experience with organization finance.
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Financial Auditor Candidate, it is of merit:
to have a formal education pertaining to economy.

Estimation of Time Required
The financial auditor should have time to review the union bookkeeping and write a financial report during the month of September the autumn following an operational year. The work during the year is dependant on the activity of the union. Active members should be able to contact the financial auditor for advice in complicated financial matters.

Webmaster (1,0)

The webmaster assists the presidium in the development of the LUNA website and provides general IT support.

An elected webmaster is expected to:
to assist the presidium in the development of the website.
to provide assistance in IT related issues.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Webmaster Candidate, it is required:
to be experienced with IT.
to have some skill with the union website tools; WordPress.

Qualities of Merit
As a Webmaster Candidate, it is of merit:
to have a pedagogical mindset when explaining IT.

Estimation of Time Required
The webmaster should be available with reasonably short notice during working hours. There might be a need for assistance even during the summer.

Quartermaster (1,0)

The union quartermaster keeps track of the union storage and makes sure that the storage is organized. Furthermore, the quartermaster helps out with transport of various things to bigger events, such as sittings, UTOPIA and the novisch period.

An elected Quartermaster is expected:
to keep the union storage organized.
to help out with transportation of things at bigger LUNA events.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Quartermaster Candidate, it is required:
to have a driver’s licence.

Qualities of Merit
As a Quartermaster Candidate, it is of merit:
to have great organizational skills.

Estimation of Time Required
The quartermaster should have time to help out before as well as after larger union events. The quartermaster should also have time to organize the storage. However, the time for that will vary depending on which activities that is going on in the union.

Ballmaster (2,0)

The ball masters organizes the annual LUNA ball in the beginning of spring, known as Utopia. The ball masters prepare the entire evening with regards to medal ceremony, dinner and after party in a timely manner. Additionally they organize the marketing of the event, see to that the event runs smoothly and is handled in accordance with Swedish law. The ball masters elect their own committee and marshals, and divide responsibilities.

Elected Ball Masters are expected:
to be main responsible for the Science Student Union ball UTOPIA.
to organize the LUNA ball within the confines of its budget.
to elect a ball committee.
to market the marshal positions and the ticket release for the ball.
to organize the purchase of the ball medals.
to organise the order ceremony.

to organise the delivery of invitations to the ball.
to make sure that alcohol sales during the ball are carried out in accordance with Swedish law and the
alcohol permits held.
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding done.
to stay sober during the ball.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Ball Master Candidate, it is required:
to attend the A- and B-cert educations after being elected (if not done previously).

Qualities of Merit
As a Ball Master Candidate, it is of merit:
to have good organisational skills.
to be good at collaboration and delegation.
to have experience with larger projects.
to have leadership experience.
to have experience with student organised festivities.
to have experience with marketing.
to have been to UTOPIA or other student balls before.
to have been involved in arranging UTOPIA before, as a marshal or in the committee.

Estimation of Time Required
The Ball Masters are free to divide and plan the work for the success of the event. Work intensity may vary
depending on how the committee is structured. The last week prior to the ball itself is very work intense.

Tandem General (3,0)

The Tandem generals are responsible for organizing the Science Student Union’s participation in the Tandem relay. The Tandem relay takes place in May, every year when it is not Lundakarneval. Included in the organising of the participation in the Tandem relay is arranging with transportation, food and marketing of the event. The Tandem generals are responsible during the full event seeing to that everything runs smoothly. They must stay sober during the whole Tandem race!

Elected Tandem Generals are expected:
to manage all aspects of the Tandem relay, such as transportation and food.
to market the Tandem relay and organise the ticket release.
to be responsible for that LUNA’s participation in the event runs smoothly.
to make sure that the LUNA’s participation in the Tandem relay follows its budget.
to have contact with the presidium and information committee regarding the work around Tandem.
to stay sober during the Tandem relay.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As a Tandem General Candidate, it is of merit:
to have good organizational skills.

to be good at collaboration and delegation.
to have participated in the Tandem relay.
to have experience with bicycle repairs.
to have a hype attitude.

Estimation of Time Required
The Tandem generals works freely with planning during the spring term. The Tandem relay takes a full
weekend, with just a little sleep.

Parliament Presidium

Chairperson (1,1)

The parliament chairperson leads the union parliament meetings, during which all big decisions in the union are taken. Leading the meetings includes keeping track of the speakers list and seeing that the meeting runs according to protocol.

An elected Parliament Chairperson is expected:
to attend and lead all parliament meetings held.
to keep track of the speakers list during the parliament meetings.
to lead the elective procedure of the union.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the term of office

As a Parliament Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.
to have a good grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to have previous experience as a meeting chairperson.

Qualities of Merit
As a Parliament Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work within LUNA.

Estimation of Time Required
The parliament has approximately one meeting each month. The chairperson should also spend some time at preparations before the meetings. No parliament meetings are held in July or August, except during special circumstances.

Secretary (1,1)

The parliament secretary takes notes and compiles minutes from all parliament meetings. When the minutes are finished, the secretary should send the minutes to the union president. Furthermore, the secretary shall keep track of the electoral register during the parliament meetings.

An elected Parliament Secretary is expected:
to compile minutes from all parliament meetings.
to keep track of the electoral register during the parliament meetings.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the term of office.

As a Parliament Secretary Candidate, it is required:
to speak and write English.

to have a good grip on union formalities and meeting protocol or be willing to learn quickly.

Qualities of Merit
As a Parliament Secretary Candidate, it is of merit:
to have experience with the union’s LaTeX templates.

Estimation of Time Required
The parliament has approximately one meeting each month. The secretary should spend some time after the meetings to finish the minutes. No parliament meetings are held in July or August, except during special circumstances.

Active Member Registry Administrator (1,0)

The active member registry administrator assists the presidium in the handling of the active member registry. This includes email lists and alumni registry, as well as having contact with the departments regarding communication with student representatives.

An elected Active Member Registry Administrator is expected:

to manage the union’s email lists for active members.
to manage the union’s alumni registry.
to keep contact with the departments regarding communication with student representatives.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As an Active Member Registry Administrator Candidate, it is of merit:
to be experienced with Google Admin.

Estimation of Time Required
The work for the active member administrator will mainly be concentrated around the times of election within the union and the student councils. This means in the end of the autumn and spring term, as well as in the beginning of the autumn term. There might also be some by-elections in between.

Internal Network Administrator (1,0)

The internal network administrator assists the presidium in the handling of the unions internal network,
Podio. This includes keeping the member registry up to date and managing the work spaces. The internal
network administrator can also develop the usage of Podio and support active members in the usage of the different functions in Podio.

An elected Internal Network Administrator is expected:
to keep the union member registry in Podio up to date.
to manage the union’s Podio work spaces.
to develop the union’s usage of Podio.
to support active members in their usage of Podio.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As an Internal Network Administrator Candidate, it is of merit:
to be experienced with Podio.

Estimation of Time Required
The work with keeping the Podio member registry and work spaces up to date is concentrated to the times of election in the autumn and spring. Some extra time will be spent on support and development of Podio usage.

Archive Administrator(1,0)

The archive administrator assists the presidium in the handling and archival of documents. This includes both meeting documents, testaments and regulatory documents. The archive administrator is also responsible for updating the unions document templates.

An elected Archive Administrator is expected:
to handle and archive the union’s meeting documents.
to handle and archive the union’s regulatory documents.
to handle and archive the union’s testaments.
to keep the union’s document templates up to date.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As an Archive Administrator Candidate, it is of merit.

to be experienced with Google Drive.
to be experienced with LATEX.
to be experienced with handling of the union web page.

Estimation of Time Required
The work with archiving documents will be spread during the operational year and take a couple of hours now and then. The work with testaments will be concentrated in the beginning of the autumn term. Additional time can be spent on updating the union meeting templates.

Backend Administrator (1,0)

The backend administrator assists the presidium in the handling of the union’s network storage. This includes handling and structuring of the unions Google Drive, so that the right people have access to the right documents. The backend administrator should also make sure that the union handles personal information in accordance with GDPR.

An elected Backend Administrator is expected:
to keep the union Google Drive organized.
to make sure that the right people has access to the right documents at Google Drive.
to make sure that the union handles personal information in accordance with GDPR.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As a Backend Administrator Candidate, it is of merit.
to be experienced with Google Drive.
to have knowledge about the GDPR regulations.

Estimation of Time Required

The working time for the backend administrator can be decided upon and distributed as the backend administrator self wishes.

Union Committees

Corporate Relations Committee (CRC)


The chairperson of the corporate relations committee is the Head of Corporate Relations of the union.

Member (7,0)

The Corporate Relations Committee works to both provide the students with satisfactory connections to
future employers and with the tools to be successful in getting a job in the corporate sector. This is achieved through a seminar series by the name of ATLAS. The CRC also work in general with company and alumni contact.

The committee consist of five members elected by parliament and six student council representatives, see
section 5.8. The committee internally elects which of the members elected by parliament that should hold
which of the five roles in CRC. These five roles are as follows:
1. Corporate Relations Coordinator
The communications coordinator is responsible for the continuous contact with various organisations
and people of interest for the work of the committee. The communications coordinator is to utilise the
student council representatives to find and recruit organisations of interest for the student councils.
2. Event Coordinator
The event coordinator is responsible for the arrangement of various events held by the committee.
This includes, but is not limited to, lunch lectures through ATLAS Career, seminars through ATLAS
Seminars and alumni evenings through ATLAS Alumni.
3. Sponsorship Coordinator
The sponsorship coordinator is responsible for the continuous contact with sponsors for the work
of the committee. The sponsorship coordinator is to ensure that the sponsor agreements are met in
conjunction with the event and marketing coordinator.
4. Marketing Coordinator
The marketing coordinator is responsible for the marketing of the committee and its events. The
marketing coordinator is to ensure that the work of the committee is seen through various channels.
5. Internal Coordinator
The internal coordinator is responsible for internal affairs of the committee seeing to the well being
of all committee members. The internal coordinator is to recruit additional assistance for the various
committee activities and ensure that they are well informed.

Elected Corporate Relations Committee Members are expected:
to attend meetings with the corporate relations committee.

to manage all aspects of the member’s internal position in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Relations.

to assist during events hosted by the committee.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As a Corporate Relations Committee Member, it is of merit:
to be knowledgeable about the labor market for science students.
to have contacts or experience with work in the corporate sector where an education in sciences could be
of benefit.
to have an interest for PR/sales

Estimation of Time Required
The corporate relations committee should aim for having one meeting each month. Apart from meetings,
time should be spent at organising events and carry out the responsibilities the internal position entails. No meetings or events takes place during the summer.

Student Council Representative

Education Committee (UU)

Chairperson (1,0)

The education committee discusses education related matters within the union. The chairperson of the education committee leads and directs the work of the committee through promoting exchange of experiences between the committee members and through setting the agenda for discussion about education related issues at the Faculty of Science.

An elected Education Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the education committee, including events which the
committee hosts.
to make sure that the education committee follows its directives.
to summon the education committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the education committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
education committee.
to write a testament and an operational report for the education committee at the end of the operational
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the education committee.
to educate the education committee members in how they should work as student representatives.

As an Education Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As an Education Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the education committee.
to have experience of leadership.
to have the ability to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organizational skills.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to have previous experience as a representative in an education board at a department or at the faculty.

Estimation of Time Required
The education committee should aim for having one meeting each month. The chairperson should spend
some further time on preparations for the meetings. Furthermore, the UO network has about one meeting each month. Neither the education committee nor the UO network have meetings during the summer.


The education committee consists of members from the department education boards and the faculty education board, see section 5.5 and 6.2 in this document for more information. The education committee aims to prepare the representatives for their work in the education boards. Furthermore, the committee should spread information about student rights to the students at the Faculty of Science. This can for example be done through hosting information campaigns or lectures.

An elected Education Committee Member is expected:
to attend meetings with the education committee.
to assist the committee during events that the committee hosts.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

To be an Education Committee Member, it is required:
to be a representative in the faculty education board or in a department education board.

Qualities of Merit
As an Education Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest in education politics.

Estimation of Time Required
The education committee should aim for having one meeting each month during the semesters. Additionally, there will be meetings with the education board at the faculty or department, which takes place two to four times each semester. There are no meetings during the summer.

Environmental Committee (Env)

Chairperson (1,0)

The environmental committee is responsible for raising awareness about sustainability issues amongst the
science students. The committee should also support the union in becoming more sustainable. This is done through hosting events and supporting student representatives in discussions regarding environmental issues. The chairperson of the committee leads this work through summoning the committee to meetings and setting the agenda for the work in the committee.

An elected Environmental Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the environmental committee, including events which
the committee hosts.
to make sure that the environmental committee follows its directives.
to summon the environmental committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the environmental committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
environmental committee.

to write a testament and an operational report for the environmental committee at the end of the opera-
tional year.

to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the environmental committee.
to organise events for all members of LUNA together with the environmental committee members.

As an Environmental Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As an Environmental Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the environmental committee.
to have experience of leadership.
to be able to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organisational skills.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to have interest in environmental matters.

Estimation of Time Required
The environmental committee should aim for having one meeting each month and a couple of events each term. As a chairperson, time should be spent on preparations for meetings and events. The UO network has about one meeting each month. There are no meetings or events during the summer.

Member (4,0)

The environmental committee consists of four members, all elected by parliament. The members support the chairperson in arranging events and working for a more sustainable union. Furthermore, the environmental committee members should be available to support student representatives who discusses environmental issues with the faculty or the departments.

An elected Environmental Committee Member is expected:
to attend meetings with the education committee.
to assist the committee during events that the committee hosts.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As an Environmental Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for environmental issues.

Estimation of Time Required
The environmental committee should aim for having one meeting each month and a couple of events each semester. No meetings or events takes place during the summer.

Gender and Equality Committee (JoL)

Spokesperson (2,0)

The gender and equality committee discusses gender and equality related matters within the union. The
spokespersons for the gender and equality committee lead and direct the work of the committee through setting the agenda for the meetings and promoting exchange of experiences between the committee members. The spokespersons of the gender and equality committee are also representatives in the faculty board of equality and equal treatment and the faculty action group.

An elected Gender and Equality Committee Spokesperson is expected:

to be main responsible for the work conducted by the gender and equality committee, including events
which the committee hosts.
to make sure that the gender and equality committee follows its directives.
to summon the gender and equality committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the gender and equality committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
gender and equality committee.
to write a testament and an operational report for the gender and equality committee at the end of the
operational year.
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the education committee.

to educate the gender and equality committee members in how they should work as student representa-

to organise discussion evenings for all members of LUNA together with the gender and equality committee members.
to attend meetings with the faculty board for equality and equal treatment and represent the students’

to attend meetings with the faculty action group for gender and equality matters and represent the stu-
dents’ opinions.

to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues

As a Gender and Equality Committee Spokesperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Gender and Equality Committee Spokesperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the gender and equality committee.
to have experience of leadership.
to be able to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organisational skills.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to have knowledge about gender and equality matters.
to speak and understand Swedish.

Estimation of time required
The gender and equality committee should aim for having one meeting each month and two to three events each term. As a spokesperson, time should be spent on preparations for meetings and discussion evenings. The UO network has about one meeting each term, the faculty board for equality and equal treatment has a couple of meetings each term and the faculty action group has about one meeting each week. The two spokespersons of the gender and equality committee can share these meetings between each other. There are no meetings or events during the summer.


The gender and equality committee consists of representatives in the gender and equality boards at the different departments. Apart from being representatives, the members of the gender and equality committee also helps out with the arrangements events held by the gender and equality committee. The events can for example be discussion nights.

An elected Gender and Equality Committee Member is expected:
to attend meetings with the gender and equality committee.
to assist the committee during events that the committee hosts.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

To be a Gender and Equality Committee Member, it is required:
to be a representative in the faculty equal opportunities committee or in a department gender and equality board.

Qualities of Merit
As a Gender and Equality Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest in gender and equality matters.

Estimation of Time Required
The gender and equality committee should aim for having one meeting each month during the semesters. There are also some events arranged by the committee. Additionally, there will be meetings with the gender and equality board at the faculty or department. The number of those meetings varies between the departments. There are no meetings or events during the summer.

Health, Environment and Safety Committee (HMS)

Chairperson/HSSO (1,0)

The health, environment and safety committee consists of the student safety officers at the faculty and the departments. The committee discusses matters regarding the physical study environment at the faculty, as well as regarding the health of the students. This work includes to conduct a survey on the health of the students every third year. The committee can also organize events to raise awareness about these matters amongst the students. The chairperson of the health, environment and safety committee leads and directs the work of the committee through summoning the committee members to meetings and promoting exchange of experiences between them. The chairperson for the health, environment and safety committee is the Chief Safety Officer (HSSO) of the union, as well as a representative in the Faculty Local Safety Board. The Chief Safety Officer is the main contact for student issues within the union together with the presidium.

An elected Health, Environment and Safety Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the health, environment and safety committee.
to make sure that the health, environment and safety committee follows its directives.
to summon the health, environment and safety committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the health, environment and safety committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
to write a testament and an operational report for the health, environment and safety committee at the
end of the operational year.

to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the committee.
to educate the health, environment and safety committee members in how they should work as student
to be main contact for student issues together with the presidium.
to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues
to attend meetings with the Faculty Local Safety Board and represent the students’ opinions.
to attend meetings with the HSSO-network within LUS and represent the science students’ opinions.
to conduct a survey on the health of the students every third year.

As a Health, Environment and Safety Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.
to attend the student safety officer education when elected to the position.

Qualities of Merit
As a Health, Environment and Safety Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the health, environment and safety committee.
to have experience of leadership.
to be able to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organisational skills.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to speak and understand Swedish.
to be a good listener and be open to others.

Estimation of Time Required

The health, environment and safety committee should aim for having one meeting each month. As a chairperson, some time should be spent on preparations for the meetings. The student safety officer education takes approximately three hours in the beginning of the year. Furthermore, the UO network has one meeting each month, and the Faculty Local Safety Board has about three meetings each semester. Apart from meetings, some time might be spent on handling student issues. No meetings takes place during the summer months.


The health, environment and safety committee consists of the representatives in the health, environment and safety boards at the different departments. For further information, see section 5.6. The representatives in the boards are also the student safety officers at the departments, and are hence responsible for handling student issues together with the union presidium. Apart from being representatives, the members of the committee help out with the survey and the events that the health, environment and safety committee conducts.

An elected Health, Environment and Safety Committee Member is expected:
to attend meetings with the health, environment and safety committee.
to assist the committee in conducting surveys and events.
to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues

to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

to be a Health, Environment and Safety Committee Member, it is required:
to be a representative in a health, environment and safety committee at one of the departments, or in the
Faculty Local Safety Board.
to attend the student safety officer education when elected to the position.

Qualities of merit
As a Health, Environment and Safety Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for the study environment and the health of the students at the Faculty of Science.

Estimation of Time Required

The health, environment and safety committee should aim for having one meeting each month. The department health, environment and safety boards have a couple of meetings each semester. Apart from meetings, the student safety education takes approximately three hours in the beginning of the year. There might also be some time spent on handling student issues. No meetings take place during the summer.

Information Committee (Info)

Chairperson (1,0)

The information committee works with spreading information about LUNA to all students at the Faculty of
Science. This is done in various ways, such as social media, posters and the newsletter Zenit. The committee does also help various parts of the union with information spreading by taking pictures and creating graphical material. The chairperson for the information committee leads the committee work.

An elected Information Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the information committee.
to make sure that the information committee follows its directives.
to summon the information committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the information committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium regarding the work done in the information committee.
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the information committee.
to write a testament and an operational report for the information committee at the end of the operational year.
to be main responsible for what is posted on the union’s social media.

As an Information Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As an Information Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the information committee.
to have experience with leadership.
to be able to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organisational skills.

to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to have experience with image handling software.
to have experience in PR.
to have experience with handling social media.
to have experience of graphical design.
to have experience of photography.

Estimation of Time Required
The information committee should aim for having one to two meetings each month and the UO-network
has about one meeting each month. In between the meetings, the information committee chairperson should spend time at preparing the meetings, handling the different information channels and publish Zenit. Time should also be spent on helping various union bodies with creating graphical material and with communication. There are no UO meetings during the summer and the information committee do just have to prepare the start of the semester during the summer.

Member (5,0)

The information committee members are part of the work with spreading information about LUNA to all
students at the Faculty of Science. This is done through creating the newspaper Zenit, handling social media and other communication channels. The members of the information committee are internally elected to different positions. These positions are as follows:
1. Social media responsible
The social media responsible is to ensure that all union bodies are able to use the unions social media
channels and see to that the social media are regularly updated about the ongoing activities of the
union. The social media responsible should review and ensure that posts and other updates are in line
with union regulatory documents.
2. Zenit responsible
The Zenit responsible is to ensure that the union newsletter Zenit is readily available around campus
and is regularly updated throughout the year. The Zenit responsible is responsible for the contents,
layout and distribution of the newsletter. The Zenit responsible is to ensure all union bodies are able
to contribute to the contents of each Zenit publication.
3. Nadir responsible
The Nadir responsible is responsible for the Nadir posts posted on the union webpage. A Nadir post
is a blog post about various union related issues. The Nadir responsible is responsible for the content
and layout of the Nadir posts.

An elected Information Committee Member are expected:
to attend meetings within the information committee.

to manage all aspects of the internal position the member is assigned together with the committee chair-

to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As an Information Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have experience with image handling software, such as IncScape.
to have experience of Social Media handling.
to have an interest in writing information.
to have experience of photography.

to be interested in what LUNA does.

Estimation of Time Required
The information committee should aim for having one to two meetings each month, with exceptions for the summer months. However, the information committee should prepare for the start of the semester during the summer. Between the meetings, the members should spend time at different kinds of information spreading, such as writing Zenit or taking pictures for social media.

Mentor Committee (FU)

Chairperson (1,0)

The mentor committee is responsible for the planning, execution and evaluation of the welcome activities for new students at the Faculty of Science. This is done together with a group of mentors, which the mentor committee elects. The chairperson for the mentor committee is main responsible for the work done by the committee.

An elected Mentor Committee Chairperson is expected:

to be main responsible for the work conducted by the mentor committee, including the events the committee hosts.

to make sure that the mentor committee follows its directives.
to summon the mentor committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the mentor committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
mentor committee.
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the education committee.
to write a testament at the end of the operational year.
to write an operational report for the mentor committee before the end of August.

As a Mentor Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.
to take part in both the A and B certificate educations after entering the position.

Qualities of merit
As a Mentor Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the mentor committee.
to have experience of leadership.
to be able to collaborate and delegate.
to have good organizational skills.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to be tolerant against stress.

Estimation of Time Required
The time required for the position varies through the year. The mentor committee should aim for having
two meetings each month. The chairperson should spend some time preparing the meetings. Lots of time is required during the novisch periods, which takes approximately two days in the spring and three to four weeks (with some extra planning) in the autumn. Even the election of mentors requires some extra evenings in February. Furthermore, the UO network has about one meeting each month, with exceptions for the summer months.

Member (9,0)

The members of the mentor committee plan, execute and evaluate the novisch periods together with the
committee chairperson. They are also involved in the process were the mentors are elected. The mentor
committee members are internally elected to different positions. The positions are as follows:
1. Vice Chairperson

The vice chairperson helps the chairperson in the work with planning the operational year of the com-
mittee and supporting the mentor committee members in their work. The vice chairperson is also part of the chairperson’s work with keeping a good spirit in the mentor committee, and making sure that all
tasks are performed during the novisch period. Furthermore, the vice chairperson is main responsible
for the mentor application process, the mentor information pamphlet, the novisch period patches and
the introduction movie.
2. Mentor General Sr and Jr
The mentor general senior and junior are the committee members that are most in contact with the
novisches during the novisch period. It is the responsibility of the mentor general senior and junior to
speak in front of the novisches during the events and to write the novisch pamphlet before the novisch
period starts. Furthermore, the mentor general senior and junior are responsible for planning and
conducting the mentor meetings and educations during the spring term.
3. Pointmaster Sr and Jr
The pointmasters are main responsible for the competition during the novisch period. This includes
preparing the list of experiments and turfs before the novisch period starts, keeping the standings and
experiment page up to date during the novisch period and making sure that there are rules for the
competitions during the novisch period.
4. Safety/contact person
The safety/contact person is the mentor committee member that the novisches always can reach, both
with sensitive and nonsensitive matters. The novisches can choose to stay anonymous when talking to
the safety/contact person, and the safety/contact person is not allowed to share received information
with anyone except for the mentor committee chairperson and the union presidium. Furthermore,
the safety/contact person is responsible for informing all present about safety rules at events, and for
bringing a first aid kit to the events.
5. Booking/evaluation responsible
The booking/evaluation responsible is main responsible for booking locations for events such as sittings,
meetings and kick-offs. The booking/evaluation responsible is also responsible for that evaluations are
sent out to novisches and mentors after the novisch period. Furthermore, the booking/evaluation
responsible is responsible for that the results from the evaluations are compiled and presented for the
board before the operational year of the mentor committee ends.
6. Bar responsible
The bar responsible is responsible for the food and drinks served during the novisch period, the mentor
kick-off and the mentor appreciation. This includes, but is not limited to ordering food and drinks to
suitable events, coordinating the cooking of the food and being responsible for the bar at events where
the mentor committee has its own bar.
7. Information responsible
The information responsible is responsible for the social medias of the committee. This includes to make
sure that the mentors and novisches can find all important information through the social medias. The
information responsible should market the mentor application, the novisch period and the novisch
period evaluation.

An elected Mentor Committee Member is expected:
to attend meetings with the mentor committee.
to be part of the planning and execution for the novisch period.
to manage all aspects of the internal position assigned to the member together with the mentor committee chairperson.
to be an active part in the process were mentors are elected.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Mentor Committee Member Candidate, it is required:
to attend the A and B certificate educations after joining the committee.

Qualities of Merit
As a Mentor Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have been a mentor in LUNA.
to have taken part in LUNA’s novisch period.

Estimation of Time Required
The time required for the position varies through the year. The mentor committee should aim for having two meetings per month, including the summer. Lots of time is required during the novisch periods, which takes approximately two days in the spring and three weeks in the autumn. The election of mentors takes some extra evenings in February.

Party Committee (6m)

Chairperson (1,0)

The party committee hosts parties and casual events for all members of LUNA. The goal for the party committee is to host one sitting and three to four smaller events each semester. The party committee should also help out when sittings are held during the novisch periods. The party committee chairperson is main responsible for planning, marketing and execution of the events held. The events should be marketed to all members of LUNA.

An elected Party Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the party committee, including the events that the
committee hosts.
to make sure that the party committee follows its directives.
to summon the party committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the party committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
party committee.
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the party committee.
to write a testament and an operational report for the party committee at the end of the operational year.

As a Party Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

to attend the A and B certification for responsible serving of alcohol after taking the position.

Qualities of Merit
As a Party Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the work done by the party committee.
to have good organisational skills.
to have experience with leadership.
to be good at collaboration and delegation.
to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.

Estimation of Time Required
The party committee aims for having one to two meetings each month, depending on which events that
is planned. The UO-network has about one meeting each month. Between the meetings, the chairperson
should spend some time on preparations for the meetings and the events held. Furthermore, the A and B
certification educations takes two whole days. No meetings or events take place during the summer.

Member (6,0)

The party committee organises parties and casual events for all members of LUNA. The party committee
members plan, execute and market the events together with the party committee chairperson. The party
committee members work during the events held by the party committee, as well as during novisch sittings hosted by the mentor committee. The party committee internally forms three working groups with the following responsibilities:
1. Working group sittings and parties
The working group sittings and parties is main responsible for the sittings and parties that the party
committee arranges. The responsibilities include the planning of the events, as well as the conduction
of the events. The working group should communicate with the rest of the party committee and involve
the committee in the sittings and parties.

2. Working group chill events

The working group chill events is main responsible for the chill events that the party committee arranges. The responsibilities includes the planning of the events, as well as the conduction of the events. The working group should communicate with the rest of the party committee and involve the com-
mittee in the chill events.

3. Working group marketing and external communication
The working group marketing and external communication is main responsible for the marketing of
the events that the party committee arranges. The marketing can be done through social media, posters
and the union newspaper Zenit. Furthermore, the working group is responsible for communication
between the party committee and external parts. This includes other union bodies as well as nations,
the academic society etc.

Elected Party Committee Members are expected:
to attend meetings with the party committee.
to manage all aspects of the working group the member is assigned.
to work at novisch sittings hosted by the mentor committee.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Party Committee Member Candidate, it is required:
to attend the A and B certification for responsible alcohol serving educations after joining the committee.

Qualities of Merit
As a Party Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have experience of organizing events.

Estimation of Time Required
The party committee aims for having one to two meetings each month, depending on which events that is planned. Apart from meetings, the committee members should spend time on planning and conducting the events. No meetings or events take place during the summer.

Sports Committee (Sport)

Chairperson (1,0)

The sports committee is responsible for organising sport events for all LUNA members. It can be both casual events, such as jogging trips, as well as events that requires more planning, such as volleyball tournaments. The sports committee is also responsible for the planning, organising and execution of the annual Kårmästerskapen in soccer together with the other student unions. The chairperson is main responsible for the planning, marketing and execution of sport events. The sport events should be marketed to all members of LUNA.

An elected Sports Committee Chairperson is expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the sports committee.
to make sure that the sports committee follows its directives.
to summon the sports committee to meetings and lead the meetings.
to keep track of the sports committee budget.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation.
to attend meetings within the union network for committee chairpersons (UO).
to have contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in the
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the sports committee.
to write a testament and an operational report for the sports committee at the end of the operational year.
to make sure that LUNA takes part in the organisation of Kårmästerskapen in soccer.

As a Sports Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Sports Committee Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for sports.
to have insight in the work done by the sports committee.
to have good organisational skills.
to have experience with leadership.
to be good at collaboration and delegation.
to be good at communication.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.

Estimation of Time Required
The sports committee should aim for having one meeting each month and some events spread over the year. The chairperson should spend some time at preparations before each meeting and event. The UO network has about one meeting each month. No meetings or events take place during the summer.

Member (6,0)

The sports committee members plan and execute sport events for all science students together with the committee chairperson. The members also help the chairperson with marketing of the events, as well as organising Kårmästerskapen in soccer.

Elected Sport Committee Members are expected:
to attend meetings with the sports committee.
to plan and execute sport events for all members of LUNA together with the committee chairperson.
to market the events held to all members of LUNA.
to organise LUNAs participation in Kårmästerskapen in soccer together with the chairperson.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As a Sports Committee Member Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for sports.
to have experience of organizing events.

Estimation of Time Required
The sports committee should aim for having one meeting each month and some events spread over the year. Between the meetings and events, some times should be spend on preparations for the events. No meetings or events take place during the summer.

Student Council Positions

Student Council Chairperson/Vice Chairperson (2,0)

The chairperson and vice chairperson of the student council are in charge of its daily operation and shall
ensure that the main duties of the student council are met. This includes to monitor and participate in
the development of education and the conditions for studies at the department. The chairperson and vice
chairperson are also the faces of the student council towards the union and the department and is the main contact between these three instances. The chairperson and vice chairperson are responsible for planning, summoning and leading student council meetings. The aim for these meetings is for students at the department to meet and discuss various matters and elect student representatives to preparatory and deciding organs at the department. Student council meetings should act as a hub for students to bring forth their matters of concern and discuss with fellow students.

Elected Student Council Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons are expected:
to be main responsible for the work conducted by the student council.
to make sure that the student council follows its directives.
to summon and lead the student council meetings.
to summon and lead elective meetings were student representatives at department level are elected.
to make sure that the student council budget is followed together with the cashier.
to make sure that minutes are written and archived according to the guideline for meeting documentation together with the secretary.
to attend meetings within the union network for student council chairpersons and vice chairpersons
to be the main contact with the union presidium and information committee regarding the work done in
the student council.
to be the main contact with the department regarding the work going on in the student council.
to be updated on the union regulatory documents that are relevant for the student council.
to market the student council for the students at the department, especially for the novisches during the
novisch periods.
to be a support for student council members in their roles as student representatives and event organizers.
to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues.
to write a testament and an operational report for the student council at the end of the operational year.

As a Student Council Chairperson or Vice Chairperson Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Student Council Chairperson or Vice Chairperson Candidate, it is of merit:
to have good insight into the work conducted by student council.
to have insight in the work conducted by the union.
to be good at collaboration and delegation.
to have experience with leadership.
to have good organisational skills.

to have good communication skills.
to have a grip on union formalities and meeting protocol.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The student councils should aim for having one to two meetings each month. The SoV network has one meeting each month. Apart from this, time should be spent on preparations for the meetings and supporting the student council members when events are organized. No meetings or events takes place during the summer.

Student Council Cashier (1,0)

The student council cashier is responsible for the economy in the student council. This includes managing the budget of the student council together with the chairperson and vice chairperson. Furthermore, the cashier should collect receipts from members of the student council who have bought something for it. The cashier hands the receipts over to the economic responsible at the union, who makes sure that the money is paid back to the person who has lent money to the student council.

An elected Student Council Cashier is expected:
to make sure that the student council members get their money back when they turn in receipts.
to keep track of the student council budget.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

Qualities of Merit
As a Student Council Cashier Candidate, it is of merit:
to be used to manage a structured economy.

Estimation of Time Required
The cashier is expected to have time to receive receipts from members of the student council when they ask for it. This is preferably done at the student council meetings, which aims to take place one to two times each month. However, receipts could also be handed over during other times as well. The cashier can also be asked by the student council chairpersons to attend student council meetings and talk about the budget.

Student Council Secretary (1,0)

The secretary in a student council is responsible for writing minutes for all the student councils meetings.
The meeting should be written in English and it is preferred if the LUNA LATEX template for documents is
used for the minutes. Furthermore, the secretary is responsible for that the minutes are adjusted, printed and signed by the adjuster before handing the printed minutes over to the student council chairperson.

As a Student Council Secretary, you are expected:
to attend all student council meetings.
to write minutes and make sure that they are adjusted.
to notify the student council chairperson well ahead of time if you are unable to attend a meeting.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Student Council Secretary Candidate, it is required:
to feel comfortable to write minutes in English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Student Council Secretary Candidate, it is of merit:
to be familiar with the LUNA LATEX template, or be willing to learn how to use it.

Estimation of Time Required
The student councils aim to have meetings one to two times each month. After each meeting, it takes some additional time to compile the minutes.

Parliament Representative

BUG:(3,3) GLuFS:(3,3) KERUB:(2,2) MUR:(3,3) MYS:(2,2) SNG:(2,2)

The parliament is the highest deciding body of LUNA, consisting of representatives from all student coun-
cils elected for the calendar year (January 1 – December 31). The parliament is the backbone of the entire operation of the union, deciding on organisational matters such as what the union should do for upcoming operational years, how resources should be allocated and setting the standard for union work through regulatory documents. Furthermore, the parliament is responsible for elections to student representative positions at faculty level and union organisational positions such as the presidium, board and committee chairpeople.As a parliament representative you voice the opinions of your student council in parliament matters such as discussions and votes on how the union shall proceed in various matters.

Elected Parliament Representatives are expected:
to represent the student council’s opinions at meetings with the parliament.
to have read and understood all meeting documents prior to all parliament meetings.
to attend student council meetings to anchor opinions before the parliament meetings, and report back
what has been said after the parliament meetings.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if you are unable to attend in a timely
to attend the parliament education in the beginning of spring held by the board.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Parliament Representative Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Parliament Representative Candidate, it is of merit;
to have insight into the operation and positions of the union.
to have an interest for union politics
to be comfortable voicing their opinion in a meeting environment.
to be comfortable questioning candidates for various positions.

Estimation of Time Required

The parliament has at least one meeting a month. Additionally, time to read, reflect and discuss meeting documents prior to all meetings should be allocated as well as time for attending your student council meetings. No parliament meetings are held in July or August, except during special circumstances.

Department Board

BUG:(1,1) GLuFS:(1,1)*3 KERUB:(1,1) MUR:(1,1) MYS:(2,2) SNG:(1,1)*2

The department board is the highest deciding organ at department level, consisting of employees at the department and student representatives. The student representatives in the department boards represent the students’ opinions in questions regarding department organisation and direction. To be able to do this, it is important for the representatives in the department board to attend the student council meetings and anchor student opinions. At the student council meetings, the representatives should also report back what is said within the department board. Furthermore, the representatives in the department board are parts of the IFS-network within the union. The IFS-network is a place to meet representatives in department boards at other departments, as well as representatives in the faculty board. It is a possibility both to hear what is going on all over the faculty, anchor opinions and get help with how to work at your own department.

Elected representatives in the Department Board are expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the department board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within your student council to report back and anchor opinions.
to attend meetings within the IFS-network at the union.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Department Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Department Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for the work at the department.
to have experience from being a student representative.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
Most department boards have two to three meetings each term, even though some convenes more often. The student councils have meetings one or two times per month and the IFS-network has two meetings each term. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Department Education Board

BUG:(2,2) GLuFS:(3,3) KERUB:(2,2) MUR:(1,1) MYS:(1,1) SNG:(2,2)*2

The department education board discusses and decides about education related matters at the department. The department education board consists of employees at the department and student representatives. The student representatives in the department education board represent the students’ opinions in education related matters. To be able to do this, it is important for the representative to attend meetings within the student council, both to report back from meetings within the department education board, and to anchor opinions with the students. The representatives in the department education board are also parts of the education committee within the union. In the committee, it is possible to discuss opinions with students from the whole faculty, as well as to get help with how to work with education related matters at the department.

Elected representatives in the Department Education Board are expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the department education board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within your student council to report back and anchor opinions.
to attend meetings within the Education Committee at the union.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Department Education Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Department Education Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to be interested in education matters.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The department education boards have two to three meetings each term. The student councils aims to have one to two meetings each month and the education committee has one meeting each month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Department Gender and Equality Board

BUG:(1,2) GLuFS:(1,1)*3 KERUB:(1,1) MUR:(1,1) MYS:(2,2) SNG:(2,0)

The department gender and equality board consists of employees at the departments and student representatives. The department gender and equality board discusses gender and equality matters at the department. The student representatives in the board represents the students’ opinions regarding gender and equality matters. To be able to do that, it is important that the representatives attend the student council meetings, both to anchor opinions and to report back what has been said. The representatives in the department gender and equality board are also members of the gender and equality committee within the union, were they get support in their work.

Elected representatives in the Department Gender and Equality Board are expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the department gender and equality board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the student council to report back and anchor opinions.
to attend meetings within the gender and equality committee at the union.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Department Gender and Equality Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Department Gender and Equality Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest in gender and equality matters.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The department gender and equality board has one to two meetings each term. The student council aims
to have one to two meetings each month and the union gender and equality committee aims to have one
meeting per month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Department Health, Environment and Safety Board/Student Safety Officer (SSO)

BUG:(1,1) GLuFS:(1,1) KERUB:(1,1) MUR:(1,1) MYS:(1,1) SNG:(1,1)

The department health, environment and safety boards consists of employees at the departments and student representatives. The department health, environment and safety board discusses matters regarding health, environment and safety questions at the departments. It includes everything from psycho social health among students to the number of fire extinguishers in a building. The student representatives in the board represent the students’ opinions in health, environment and safety related questions. To be able to do this, it is important that the representatives attend the student council meetings, both to anchor opinions and to report back what has been said. Furthermore, the representatives in the department health, environment and safety board are student safety officers at the department. That means that students at the department should be able to talk to them, and they should be a support when troubles arise. The student representatives get an education to beable to do this in a good way. The student representatives in the department health, environment and safety board should also take part in the yearly safety inspection at the department. Lastly, the representatives are also members of the health, environment and safety committee within the union, where they get support in
their work.

Elected representatives in the Department Health, Environment and Safety Boards are expected:
to represent the students opinions’ at meetings with the department health, environment and safety board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the student council to report back and anchor opinions.
to attend meetings within the health, environment and safety committee at the union.
to take part in the student safety officer education.

to be a support to students who reach out to them with their troubles.
to take part in the yearly safety inspection at the department.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to sign the union’s non-disclosure agreement in order to keep students anonymous when handling student issues
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Department Health, Environment and Safety Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Department Health, Environment and Safety Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to be a good listener and aware of things that happens to students at the department.
to have an interest for the students’ study environment.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The department health, environment and safety boards have two to three meetings each term. The student council has one or two meetings each month and the health, environment and safety committee has one meeting each month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. The student safety officer education takes one day and the safety inspection at the department goes on for a couple of hours. Besides that, the amount of time required depends of the number of student issues. There are no meetings during the summer.

Student Council Corporate Relations Committee Member (1,1)

The corporate relations committee is a committee within the union that works with connecting students at the Faculty of Science with the labor market. The student council representatives in the committee represent the student council’s interests in corporate relations matters. This is done by supporting the corporate relations committee with ideas on relaying companies, fields and persons of interest for the student council. It is important to anchor the opinions with the student council at the student council meetings. The representative should also report back to the student council what is said within the corporate relations committee. Additionally, the student council corporate relations committee representative help the committee at their events and with the marketing of the events.

Elected Student Council Corporate Relations Committee Representatives are expected:
to represent the student council’s interest at meetings with the corporate relations committee.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the student council to report back and anchor opinions.
to help the corporate relations committee at their events.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting, if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Student Council Corporate Relations Committee Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of merit
As a Student Council Corporate Relations Committee Candidate, it is of merit:
to have a broad overview of your field of study.
to have an interest in existing employers in your field of study.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The corporate relations committee aims to have one meeting each month and the student councils have one to two meetings each month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves for the meetings. Apart from attending meetings, some time are spent helping out at different events held by the committee. There are three to four events each term. No meetings or events take place during the summer.

Library Reference Groups

BUG:(1,0) GLuFS:(1,1) KERUB:- MUR:(1,1) MYS:- SNG:(1,1)

There are one reference group for the geo library, one for the physics library, one for the chemistry library
and one for the biology library. The reference groups consist of employees at the department and student representatives. The reference groups work with library matters at the department level, such as access to course literature and number of study spots. The student representatives in the library reference groups represent the students’ opinions in the matters discussed. To be able to do that, it is important that the representatives attend the student council meetings, both to anchor opinions and to report back what has been said.

Elected representatives in the Library Reference Groups are expected:
to speak for the students opinions’ at meetings with the library reference groups.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the student council to report back and anchor opinions.
to keep contact with other student groups who uses the library.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Library Reference Group Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish.

Qualities of Merit
As a Library Reference Group Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for library matters.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The library reference group has one to two meetings each term. The student councils have meetings one to two times per month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. There are no meetings during the summer.

Board of Joint Services

BUG:- GLuFS:- KERUB:(1,1) MUR:- MYS:- SNG:-

The board of joint services is a board at the chemistry department that discusses house and facility matters. The board consists of employees at the department and student representatives. The student representatives in the board of joint services represent the opinions of the chemistry students in the matters discussed. To be able to do that, it is important that the representatives attend meetings with the student council KERUB, both to anchor opinions and to report back what has been said in the board.

Elected representatives in the Board of Joint Services are expected:
to represent the students opinions’ at meetings with the board of joint services.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with KERUB to report back and anchor opinions.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a Board of Joint Services Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish.

Qualities of Merit
As a Board of Joint Services Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for facility matters.

to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required

The board of joint services has two to three meetings each term. The student council KERUB has one meeting each month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Faculty Student Representatives

Faculty Board (2,2)

The faculty board is the highest deciding body at the Faculty. They discusses and decides upon the organization and direction of the faculty. It is in the faculty board that all big decisions at the faculty are taken. The student representatives in the faculty board represent all students’ opinions in the matters discussed. To be able to do that, the representatives are also a part of the union IFS-network, were the representatives can get support and anchor opinions. The representatives in the faculty board are paid by the faculty.

An elected representative in the Faculty Board is expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the faculty board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the union IFS-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents which are relevant for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if an ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament at the end of the operational year.

As a Faculty Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.
to have insight into the inner workings of the faculty.

Qualities of Merit
As a Faculty Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for the work at the faculty.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.
to have been a student representative before.

Estimation of Time Required
The faculty board has two to three meetings each term. The IFS-network has two meetings each term. The
representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place
during the summer.

Faculty Education Board (3,3)

The faculty education board is the body discussing education matters at the faculty. The student representatives in the faculty education board represent the students’ opinions in education matters. To be able to do that, the representatives in the faculty education board are also part of the union education committee. There, they report back whatever happens in the faculty education board and anchor opinions with students from the different student councils. The representatives in the faculty education board are paid by the faculty.

Elected representatives in the Faculty Education Board are expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the faculty education board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the education committee at the union to report back and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if an ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.

to write a testament at the end of the operational year.

As a Faculty Education Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Faculty Education Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest in education related matters.
to have experience from being a student representative.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.
to have insight in the work and organisation of the faculty.

Estimation of Time Required
The faculty education board has three to four meetings each term, and the student representatives usually prepare themselves through pre-meetings before the actual meeting. The education committee has one meeting each month. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Faculty Nominating Committee (1,0)

The faculty nomination committee discusses and prepares for the election of new faculty leadership. This
includes conducting interviews on nominees to dean and pro-dean positions. The student representative in the faculty nomination committee represents the students opinions’ in discussions and decisions. To be able to do that, the representative should attend meetings within the union RALF-network. There, the representative can anchor opinions and get support in its work. The student representative in the faculty nomination committee is paid by the faculty.

An elected representative in the Faculty Nomination Committee is expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the faculty nomination committee.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the union RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to write a testament at the end of the term of office.

As a Faculty Nomination Committee Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Faculty Nomination Committee Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the faculty organisation and work.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.
to have experience from being a student representative.

Estimation of Time Required

The faculty nomination committee is mostly active every three years, when a new faculty leadership is supposed to be elected. However, it might be a lot of meetings and interviews conducted during these years. The union RALF-network has two meetings each term. The representative should spend time on preparing itself before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Faculty Academic Appoinments Board (1,1)

The faculty academic appointments board discusses and prepares for the hiring and promotion of teaching staff at the faculty. The board conducts all interviews with candidates for different positions. The student representative in the faculty academic appointments board represents the students’ opinions when hiring teaching staff. To be able to do that, the representative should also attend meetings with the union RALF-network, where opinions can be anchored, and the representative can get support in their work. The student representative in the academic appointments board is paid by the faculty.

An elected representative in the Faculty Academic Appointments Board is expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the faculty academic appointments board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to take an active part in the interview process of the faculty academic appointments board.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament at the end of the operational year.

As a Faculty Academic Appointments Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Faculty Academic Appointments Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest for pedagogics.
to have experience with several different lecturing techniques.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.
to have experience from being a student representative.
to have insight in the organisation and work of the faculty.

Estimation of Time Required
The Faculty Academic Appointments Board has three to four meetings each semester. The RALF-network
has two meetings each term. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. There might also be per capsulam decisions to answer between the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Faculty Readership Appoinments Committee (1,0)

The faculty readership appointment committee works as a preparatory organ when decisions shall be taken by the dean regarding admission of a non-paid associate professor. The student representative in the faculty readership appointment committee represents the students’ opinions in discussions and decisions. To be able to do that, the representative should attend meetings within the union RALF-network. There, the representative can anchor opinions and get support in its work. Student representative in the faculty readership appointment committee is paid by the faculty.

An elected representative in the Faculty Readership Appointment Committee is expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the faculty readership appointment committee.

to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the union RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to write a testament at the end of the operational year.

As a Faculty Readership Appointment Committee Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a Faculty Readership Appointment Committee Candidate, it is required:
to have experience from being a student representative.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The faculty readership appointment committee has one meeting each term. The union RALF-network has
two meetings each term. The representative should spend time on preparing itself before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

LINXS Board (1,0)

LINXS is the research institute for conducting research at MAX IV and ESS in the Sience Village Scandinavia (SVS) area. The student representative in the LINXS board represents the students’ opinions in matters discussed. Examples on questions discussed are budget and how to develop the research environment at SVS. To be able to represent the students’ opinions, the representative in the LINXS board should also attend meetings within the union RALF-network. There, the representative can get support in its work and anchor opinions.

An elected representative in the LINXS Board is expected:
to represent the students’ opinions at meetings with the LINXS board.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings within the RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a LINXS Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand English.

Qualities of Merit
As a LINXS Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have an interest in research within material science.
to have knowledge of how the research at Science Village Scandinavia (SVS) works.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The LINXS board has two to three meetings each term and the RALF-network has two meetings each term. The representative should spend time on preparing itself for the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

External Positions

The Academic Society (AF)

AF Parliament (1,1)

The AF parliament is the highest deciding body in the Academic Society (AF). The AF parliament decides
upon large organisational questions about the AF-family. The AF parliament is also the elective organ for the Academic Society presidium and the boards of the AF-family. The AF family encompasses AF, AFB and the AF-borgen. Additionally the AF parliament is the highest deciding organ with regards to the AF committees (such as Lundaspexarna). A representative in the AF parliament represents all science students’ opinions in the matters discussed. To be able to do this, the representative is also a part of the union network RALF. There, opinions can be anchored and it is possible to get support in the work done.

An elected representative in the AF Parliament, is expected:
to represent the science students’ opinions at meetings with the AF parliament.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend, in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As an AF Parliament Representative Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As an AF Parliament Representative Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the academic society (AF) and in the student life in general.
to have an interest for the operation within the academic society (AF).
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The AF parliament has two to three meetings each term. The union RALF-network has two meetings each
term. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves for the meetings. No meetings take
place during the summer.

AF Scholarship Board (1,1)

The AF scholarship board announces a number of scholarships every semester. The representatives in AF
scholarship board decides which of the students that have applied for scholarships at each faculty that will receive the scholarships. The representatives in AF scholarship board are eligible for scholarships. The representatives in AF scholarship board are also members of the RALF-network at the union, where they can get support in their work.

Elected representatives in AF Scholarship Board are expected:
to talk for applicants in accordance with the opinion of the union.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the RALF-network at the union.

to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As an AF Scholarship Board Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As an AF Scholarship Board Candidate, it is of merit:
to have a broad knowledge of the student population at the Faculty of Science.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The AF scholarship board has one meeting each term. The RALF-network has two meetings each term.
The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Lund University Student Unions (LUS)

LUS Ting (1,1)

LUS Ting is the highest deciding organ within LUS. The Ting decides upon large organisational questions
within LUS, such as the budget and operational plan. LUNA’s representative in LUS ting represents the
science students’ opinions in the matters discussed. To be able to do that, the representative is also a part of the union RALF-network. There, opinions can be anchored and the representative can get support in its work.

An elected representative in LUS Ting is expected:
to represent the science students’ opinions at meetings with LUS ting.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a parliament meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a LUS Ting Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a LUS Ting Candidate, it is of merit:
to have great insight in LUS operation.
to have knowledge about LUNA’s opinion in various matters.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required

LUS ting has at least two meetings each term. The RALF-network has two
meetings each term. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

LUS Elective Ting (2,2)

LUS Elective Ting is the organ that elect all positions within LUS. The Elective Ting consists of representatives from all student unions in Lund. As a representative in LUS Elective Ting, you vote in accordance with the opinions of the union. The representatives in LUS Elective Ting are also part of the RALF-network within the union, were they can get support in their work and anchor opinions.

Elected representatives in LUS Elective Ting are expected:
to vote for candidates in accordance with the opinion of the science students.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the RALF-network to anchor opinions and report what has happened in the
Elective Ting.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to ensure that an alternate representative can attend a meeting if the ordinary representative is unable to
attend in a timely manner.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a LUS Elective Ting Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a LUS Elective Ting Candidate, it is of merit:
to have insight in the different positions within LUS.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required

LUS Elective Ting usually has four elective meetings in the spring term. More meetings can be added whenever they are needed. RALF has two meetings each term. The representatives should spend time on preparing themselves for the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

LUS Nomination Committee (1,1)

LUS nomination committee prepares all elections within LUS. The union representative in LUS nomination
committee takes part in the preparatory work for LUS elections. That includes holding interviews with all
candidates and decide upon who to nominate. The representative in LUS nomination committee is also a
member of the RALF-network within the union, were it is possible to get support and discuss questions that arise during the work in LUS nomination committee.

An elected representative in LUS Nomination Committee is expected:
to take part in the preparatory work done by LUS nomination committee, including interviews.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with the RALF-network within the union.
to be up to date with union regulatory documents relevant for the position.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the operational year.

As a LUS Nomination Committee Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a LUS Nomination Committee Candidate, it is of merit:

to have insight in LUS operation and positions.
to have previous experience with nomination work and election processes.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
LUS nomination committee holds most of its meetings and interviews during the spring, and the weeks with interviews might be quite intensive. The RALF-network has two meetings each term. The representative should spend time on preparing itself before the meetings. No meetings take place during the summer.

Representative for SFS Parliament (3,0)

The SFS parliament is the highest deciding organ in SFS (Sweden’s United Student Unions). The represen-
tatives in the SFS parliament represent the Lund science students’ opinions in national student matters. The SFS parliament takes place at different places in Sweden every year and the representatives get to spend a whole weekend at the meetings. Additionally, the representatives should attend meetings with other Lund Unions (LUA-the alliance of Lund’s university) to find common ground before the SFS parliament takes place.

Elected representatives in SFS Parliament are expected:
to represent the opinions of the science students in Lund at meetings with the SFS parliament.
to attend meetings with LUA to find common ground before the SFS parliament takes place.

to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to help prepare motions for the SFS Parliament.
to be updated on the LUNA opinion document and other relevant regulatory documents.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the term of office.

As an SFS Parliament Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As an SFS Parliament Candidate, it is of merit:
to have interest in national student politics.
to have experience with the unions stance in a multitude of matters.
to have experience from being a student representative.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The SFS parliament takes place during a full weekend in April or May. Before the parliament, there are some pre meetings with both LUNA and LUA. These begin in February and requires some work. Furthermore, the representatives should have time for preparing themselves before going to the SFS Parliament.

University Electoral College (1,0)

The University Electoral College nominates candidates to the university central positions Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor. This is done every sixth year and the position is filled during the active years. The representative in the University Electoral College work together with representatives from the other student unions within LUS, in order to prepare the students opinions for the nominations. This is done in a LUS body called UKS. However, LUNAs representative in the University Electoral College represents the opinion of the science students and not LUS opinion. The representative is part of the RALF-network within the union, were it is possible to anchor opinions and report back.

An elected representative in the University Electoral College is expected:
to represent the science students’ opinions at meetings with the University Electoral College.
to have read and understood the meeting documents prior to all meetings.
to attend meetings with UKS and bring forward the opinions of the science students.
to attend meetings within the RALF-network, to get support and anchor opinions.
to keep updated with LUNAs opinion document and other relevant regulatory documents.
to write a testament for the position at the end of the term of office.

As a University Electoral College Candidate, it is required:
to speak and understand Swedish and English.

Qualities of Merit
As a University Electoral College Candidate, it is of merit:
to have experience from being a student representative.
to have an interest for university politics.
to be comfortable voicing opinions in a meeting environment.

Estimation of Time Required
The work in the University Electoral College goes on for around a year and becomes more intense closer to the nomination of the Vice Chancellor and the Deputy Vice Chancellor. The representatives in UKS decides themselves how many meetings they want to have, but it is realistic to think that there can be meetings once a week. The RALF network has meetings twice every semester. The representative should spend time on preparing itself before the meetings.