1: Juggle fruits! (1p per fruit) 1p

2: Roll down a hill (1p per person) 1p ∞

3: Have a race up sankt hans backar (1p per person) 1p

4: Paint your nails in your student council colour (1p per person) 1p Performed by BUG SNYS

5: Recycle cans/bottles (panta) (1p for every 5th sek earned, limit: 100p) 1p ∞

6: Wear your lab coat to a lecture (1p per person) 1p ∞

7: High Five with a pizza baker - (points for different pizza bakers) 2p ∞

8: Photograph a hedgehog (Without flash!) 2p Performed by Lemur BUG SNYS

9: Take a picture with a mentor from every team (Bonus points for each added mentor!) 5p ∞

10: Bathe in a fountain - (points for different fountains) (Not Lundagård) 5p ∞

11: Work out at the outdoor gym in winter clothing 5p Performed by Lemur GLuFS

12: Capture an alien 5p Performed by BUG Lemur GLuFS

13: Bribe mentors with a cake 5p Performed by BUG Lemur GLuFS

14: Make posters for a non-existing course 5p

15: Ponder 5p

16: Take pictures of a student dormitory (points after how gross it looks) 5p Performed by SNYS

17: If Finn exists, find Finn 5p

18: Create a massive lab coat 5p Performed by BUG

19: Fence with the bulls 5p Performed by GLuFS

20: Forage for Potatoes 5p Performed by Lemur

21: Question middle school students about what is ''cool'' in school playgrounds in Lund today 5p Performed by BUG SNYS

22: Build a human pyramid 5p

23: To catch a fish, you must become the fish 5p Performed by SNYS GLuFS

24: Write ''Luna'' with new students, score after the size 5p Performed by GLuFS BUG Lemur

25: Bug with a BUG. (Can not be performed by BUG) 5p Performed by Lemur

26: Pherform ''Physical'' physically with a physicist. (Can not be performed by GLUFS) 5p

27: Feed a mathematician. (Can not be performed by LEMUR) 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS

28: Bury a geologist (as long as they get air). (Can not be performed by SNYS) 5p Performed by Lemur

29: Adopt a pet rock 5p

30: Lose the battle, win the war 5p Performed by BUG

31: Obtain a lazersword and acquire a spaceship 5p

32: Find a star 5p Performed by GLuFS BUG

33: Roundabout Rave! 5p Performed by Lemur

34: The cake is a lie! 5p Performed by Lemur GLuFS SNYS

35: Borrow a weird book at UB 5p Performed by Lemur

36: Find a spanish bear 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS

37: Help a lady across the street 5p Performed by SNYS

38: Go where pepper grows 5p Performed by BUG

39: Stand statue in the city park 5p Performed by SNYS Lemur

40: "Re-creat ""Slaget vid Lund""" 5p Performed by SNYS BUG Lemur

41: Make a suuuuuper looooong (jäääääääääättelång) spoon 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS

42: Play ''rock, paper, scissor'' in three languages at the same time 5p

43: Solve a math problem(high difficulty!!), in a sandbox 5p Performed by SNYS

44: Take a photo with Tycho Brahe 5p

45: Make a somersault to get inside Wermlands nation 5p Performed by GLuFS SNYS

46: Prove that the high ground is superior 5p Performed by GLuFS

47: Win a pokemon card battle 5p

48: Become a shooting star 5p Performed by GLuFS

49: Find an old member of the Mentor Committee (GoDs) 5p Performed by SNYS

50: Perform photoception (the more the better) 5p Performed by SNYS BUG

51: Pet cute cats 5p

52: Preach about the ”Santa religion” at Stortorget 5p Performed by SNYS

53: Eat tuna at Tunavägen 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS Lemur

54: Ask a police if it's legal to kill an alien 5p Performed by BUG Lemur

55: Hang up your own painting in a museum 5p

56: Bake a galaxy-inspired cake for FU 5p Performed by SNYS

57: Find the building that changes colour 5p

58: Find the Student Health Centre (you don't have to book an appointment and don't bring the mascot inside) 5p Performed by Lemur BUG

59: Dance ringdance in Stortorget, Mårtenstorget and Clemenstorget! (Preferably simultaneously) 5p Performed by Lemur

60: Consume sugar outside the sugar mill 5p

61: Drink the red drink from Shell (or Circle K) 5p Performed by GLuFS

62: Burn red houses, hit little children and say bad words (Note, do not break the law!) 5p

63: Make a secret handshake with an LTHer 5p Performed by SNYS Lemur

64: What is Jack Stauber really saying in Buttercup? 5p

65: Eat forbidden fruit in paradise 5p Performed by BUG Lemur

66: Hold the door 5p Performed by BUG Lemur SNYS

67: Spell out your team's name with new students 5p Performed by Lemur

68: Capture a Pokemon Gym with a Pokemon with your team's name 5p

69: Down raspberry soda in Halland hall. (Halsa hallonsoda i Hallands hall) 5p

70: Go super Saiyan!!! (extra points for high power levels) 5p

71: Be BFFs with a professor 5p

72: "Take pictures with at least 8 LTHers from different ""sektioner"" (Bonus points for added LTHers)" 5p ∞

73: Do a tiktok dance in front of the University library 5p Performed by SNYS Lemur

74: Prove that the earth is flat 5p

75: Have your headmentors adopt you 5p Performed by BUG Lemur GLuFS

76: Offer someone an egg in this trying time 5p Performed by BUG SNYS

77: Find true love 5p Performed by BUG

78: Spot a cryptid 5p Performed by GLuFS

79: Badly describe your favourite movie 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS

80: Be an adventurer, and then take an arrow to the knee 5p Performed by BUG

81: Chubby bunny with something other than marshmellows 5p Performed by BUG

82: Measure the temperature of the sun 5p

83: Interpret your horoscope literally for a day 5p

84: Convince a stranger that today is Friday (Can't be done on a Friday) 5p

85: Become a Disney princess 5p Performed by BUG Lemur

86: Show off the best party trick 5p Performed by BUG SNYS

87: Have an incredible dance-off 5p

88: Say the longest, most complicated tounge twister as fast as possible 5p

89: Find something forgotten 5p Performed by Lemur

90: Serenade a stranger 5p

91: Celebrate a national day from nationaltoday.com 5p Performed by SNYS BUG

92: Draw the chemical structure of Maiotoxin on a blackboard 5p Performed by Lemur GLuFS

93: Discover a new element 5p

94: Take a selfie with the other teams mascot (no stealing!) 5p

95: Try trading up from a peprclip (Bonus points for creativity) 5p

96: Draw fanart of your mentors 5p Performed by GLuFS

97: Show us how you would react when something is ”orimligt” 5p

98: Do something mediocre 5p Performed by BUG SNYS

99: "Try on an LTHers ""ovve""" 5p ∞

100: Make me go ugh/eww/wow 5p

101: Do a conga line in the stadspark 5p Performed by GLuFS Lemur BUG

102: Eat the domkyrka 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS SNYS

103: Kiss a kubb kung 5p Performed by BUG Lemur GLuFS

104: Eat the best lunda falafel 5p Performed by Lemur GLuFS

105: Stand on two hands and sing your student council chant 5p Performed by Lemur

106: Put some lipstick on a statue / pimp a statue 5p Performed by Lemur

107: Find your student council room and make a cup of tea 5p Performed by Lemur

108: Take a selfie with the LUNA president 5p Performed by BUG Lemur GLuFS

109: Take a selfie with the LUNA vice president 5p Performed by BUG Lemur GLuFS

110: Take a selfie with the LUNA HCR (There's two of them, can be done once at a time) 5p ∞

111: What does a donut and a cup have in common 5p Performed by Lemur GLuFS

112: Trade something with an LTHer 5p Performed by BUG GLuFS Lemur

113: Make up a sport and get outsiders to participate and compete. (At least 3 people must attend) 10p Performed by GLuFS

114: Raise your team's flag in a flagpole - (points for various flagpoles) 10p ∞

115: Bring your mascot to the lecture, it needs one! 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

116: Eat brunch at the lecture 10p

117: Travel back to the future 10p

118: Make a song dedicated to your mentors 10p Performed by Lemur

119: Take a picture with an astronaut 10p Performed by GLuFS

120: Find one from Gotland. (Has to be proven. Can't be part of your team!) 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

121: Organise a flash mob 10p

122: Build a rocket and make it fly 10p

123: Take a selfie with your flag + mascot in front of a student nation! (Score after the number of nations) 10p Performed by Lemur

124: Help your mentors clean 10p Performed by BUG SNYS GLuFS

125: Prank call FU GoDs and show them love and appreciation. Johan: 0706250609, Caisa: 0723149133 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS

126: HARDCORE PARKOUR! 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS

127: Snorkel in the fountain. (Score after the number of fountains) (Not Lundagård) 10p ∞

128: Find a doppelgänger for each one of your mentors 10p Performed by GLuFS

129: Build something related your theme in LEGO 10p Performed by Lemur

130: Submit a fan mail to a lesser known artist. (Must answer in order to get points.) 10p Performed by GLuFS SNYS

131: Synchronized berry picking as sport 10p Performed by BUG

132: Find the most inventive way to use a potato 10p

133: Create and perform the ”Novischdance” 10p

134: Make a round pizza box with a square pizza in it 10p Performed by Lemur GLuFS

135: Find a valid train from Lund to the eternal leader's country 10p Performed by SNYS GLuFS

136: Wear formal wear during a lecture 10p Performed by GLuFS

137: Bring back dabbing 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

138: Arrange a jousting tournament on Tornavägen 10p Performed by BUG

139: Create a Voi-squad (at least 4 people) 10p

140: Fight fire with fire 10p Performed by SNYS

141: Develop all four elements 10p

142: Find something in Lake-lake and sell it 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

143: Sell lemonade to a duck (do not harm ducks!) 10p Performed by GLuFS

144: Make a sacrifice to Anders And 10p

145: Oh no! The boat is sinking and the rations are getting soaked! What should you do? 10p

146: Perform a psychological experiment (on a psychology student) 10p

147: Hold a lecture at EC 10p

148: Wear all 6 different kinds of lab coats at once 10p

149: Does Uppsala exist? 10p Performed by GLuFS

150: Hang a (large) student council-poster on the outside of the castle 10p

151: Perform ''Härjarevisan'' to an audience not from Lund 10p

152: Play chess with death at SOL 10p

153: Have sing-together in a supermarket! (Get at least 5 non-members to sing) 10p Performed by SNYS

154: Take the trolley through the Drive Through at McDonalds 10p

155: Find someone called Knut and tie him to Knut ''den stores torg'' 10p

156: Create a petition to banish a harmless substance (minimum 30 signatures) 10p Performed by BUG Lemur

157: Rename ''Systembolaget'' to ''Spritbolaget'' 10p Performed by GLuFS

158: Yodel in a store 10p

159: Equip the world with hipster glasses 10p

160: Make a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster 10p

161: Fight the pollen! 10p Performed by BUG

162: Rant for 5 minutes about something completely meaningless 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS

163: Make a trailer film for your student council(s). (At least 2 minutes) 10p

164: Have song duel with another team at Sjön Sjön (both teams will get points) 10p Performed by Lemur

165: Stay the night outside the lecture hall (OBS! Not inside a university building) 10p

166: Assassinate the LUNA president/ vice president during office hours 10p

167: Be a youtube celebrity (minimum 302 views) must be from the novisch period 10p

168: Run a Marathon-race 10p

169: Recreate a Disney movie in 30 seconds 10p Performed by GLuFS

170: Take the subway between the Maths building and the Maths Annex (There is an actual tunnel going between the two buildings that you have to find) 10p

171: Perform mini sitting by Sjön Sjön (amount studentity* rewarded) * (student identity - a way of measuring how much of a student you are) 10p Performed by Lemur

172: With one foot in Småland (Please note, not the nation, not the beer...) 10p Performed by BUG

173: Accelerate by the accelerator 10p Performed by Lemur

174: Perform Lunas Anthem 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS SNYS

175: Successfully host a Geologist Agility Contest (Rock Agility) 10p

176: Stand quarter past at the ”quarter-past-meridian” 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS Lemur

177: Discover the secrets of Area 51 10p

178: Give FU mustard 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

179: Become an influencer 10p

180: Scientifically prove a conspiracy theory 10p

181: Hold a powerpoint presentation about your very unusual thesis 10p

182: Eat a banana at bananparken, a pear at päronvägens lekplats, an apple at äpplehagen and a nectarine at nektarinlekplatsen 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

183: Find all infinity stones 10p Performed by BUG

184: Write a love letter to LUNA 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS

185: Have an elevator picnic! 10p Performed by GLuFS

186: Drive the alligators out of Skåne 10p

187: Find a GoD and give them cheese 10p Performed by GLuFS SNYS

188: "Recreate the ""I am your father"" scene from Star Wars" 10p Performed by BUG

189: "Dance ""små grodorna"" around strangers" 10p

190: "Go to the ""spritbolag"" with a fake beard" 10p Performed by GLuFS Lemur

191: Make a wanted poster of someone in FU 10p Performed by GLuFS

192: Make propaganda posters for your student council 10p Performed by GLuFS BUG

193: Wear an ice cream like a hat 10p

194: Battle your mentors in bear pong 10p Performed by BUG

195: Make a song about LUNA or FU and sing it at the Central station 10p Performed by GLuFS

196: Celebrate someone's birthday at a sitting or event 10p Performed by GLuFS Lemur

197: Make the dark night rise 10p Performed by GLuFS

198: Take a picture in a fountain like friends 10p Performed by Lemur GLuFS BUG

199: Sing stad i ljus at a club 10p Performed by SNYS BUG Lemur

200: Create FU in the Sims 10p Performed by BUG

201: Perform a spex on Spexarevägen 10p

202: Find an ailien and have it ride your maskot 10p Performed by BUG GLuFS

203: Travel abroad with the Skåne flag (bonus points if it is not Denmark) 15p Performed by Lemur

204: Create and host a DnD adventure with LUNA as a main part of it 15p

205: Become a meme 15p Performed by BUG GLuFS

206: Flip a coin forever 15p Performed by GLuFS BUG

207: Break the 4th wall 15p Performed by Lemur

208: Walk along the tram track from Lund C to ESS (each stop is required) (not ON the track, stay safe) 15p Performed by Lemur

209: Get a tattoo with the LUNA logo 15p

210: Sleep in a tent in Stadsparken for a night. The more the merrier. 15p

211: Declare your undying love to a full-timer (Preferably through cerenading them) 15p

212: Make a (alcohol free) drink worthy of FU 15p Performed by BUG

213: Perform miracles 15p

214: Publish a scientific article during the novisch period 15p Performed by BUG Lemur

215: Freshen up Lake-lake 15p Performed by BUG Lemur

216: Ask a scientific question to a relevant faculty employee, that you can solve, but they can not 15p

217: Win a car race against Verena 15p

218: "Do something that is worthy of Alma's ""Aow aow AAOOOWW!!""" 15p

219: Pointmasters deserve medals, please make them for us! 15p

220: Create a tradition 15p

221: Get witnessed 15p

222: Book a reservation at McDonalds 15p

223: Design a new patch! (CC the email to naringsliv@luna.lu.se ) 15p Performed by GLuFS SNYS

224: Find food which is older than the food FU have in their tailcoats 15p

225: Name a country Amanda cannot place on a map 15p Performed by BUG

226: Stjärnis is our star! Make them a crown! 15p Performed by BUG GLuFS

227: Make a decoration for the general hats 15p

228: Find an animal for Ellen to pet 15p

229: Make Andreas climb a tree 15p Performed by BUG

230: Have a conversation with Jacques in morse-code 15p Performed by BUG

231: Come up with a beat and make Stefan play along 15p Performed by Lemur

232: Show a picture of a commercial plane that Sam cannot name 15p Performed by BUG GLuFS

233: Make Viktoria feel at home again (Hint: Where might she be from?) 15p